Friday, December 6, 2013


 Why am I so happy?  Studies show that gratitude is a major happiness booster!  I am so grateful for the people in my family who have drug me screaming into the 21st century.  If it weren't for these wonderful people  I would still not be using my new vocabulary. I have even learned to spell 4 and U with one stroke....who needs four letters for------four or you? LOL......laugh out loud, LMAO laugh my a-- off! ASAP----as soon as possible.  Hey there is a whole new language out there.  I felt I had it made when I learned to talk Pig-Latin in school......but that was probably in the olden days. Up load, down load, screen, mouse, mouse pad, hard drive, reboot etc. etc., etc........the kids use these words a lot different way than I did growing up.
Yes, I am as happy now days as I have ever been.  I only have good friends and happy to hang out with.  Went to a fun place for dinner tonight with the Cooks......BRIO.  Annie had a date and poor little Scottie was out camping with the scouts in this 10 below weather......come on now grown men should know better.  A sad day in the world today MANDELA died at 95...a good example for many.  In prison 27 years, president of Africa, brought blacks and whites together. He will be missed.
'Delight thyself in the lord, and he will give you the desisres of your heart"  Delight in the Lord---in goodness, kindness, compassion, love----and see what happens.

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