Friday, December 13, 2013


I'm safe in my house, I don't, never did or never will be singing in the shower?  I don't sing anywhere......hum maybe......not sing. Met with my bridge club for Christmas luncheon today and it is always a catch up on our latest aches and pains.  I use to be the oldest one in the group but we have a new member Bev Capson who is 88.....that's pretty old, but she can outdo most of us.
What comes to mind when you think about getting older?  Wrinkles, menopause, and the benefits of an eighteen-hour bra?  Or wisdom, experience, and freedom from the pressure to be fashion forward?  The kind of woman you'll grow up and grow old to be depends a lot on the attitude you bring to each season of your life.  God says He numbers our days.  We don't know why some die young and others live to celebrate the century mark.  What we do know is that getting older is a privilege.  Each new day and every season is a gift.  Accept them with open arms and never forget to laugh.
I love the Christmas decorations and the holiday lights.  Our family party is a week from tonight......I will be ready I hope.
Panniers went to Island Park.  Pam painted the bathroom yesterday and it looks so nice.  With that new high toilet I may start charging to use it!!!!! Not really.  Still freezing cold.

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