Thursday, December 19, 2013


HEY.....nobodys perfect!  I am sure Santa got back in his sleigh and finished his rounds.....but hopefully learned a lesson.  Well, this time next week the big day will be over and we will all be eating leftovers in a messy house, but hopefully well and happy......The predicted ice storm hit us about 7:00 and now has turned into a full blown snow is cook and set the table day at my house......all tucked in warm and cozy.  Last night Tiff and Scott brought the cooked turkey over......we only have to stick it in the oven an hour before so that helped with my one oven.......I only use at Christmas. 
How many grandma's have granddaughters who want to borrow her clothes?????  As I remember back to the good ole days when I was growing up and my grandmother lived up the street........I probably would have dropped out of life if anyone even suggested I borrow some of my grandmother's clothes!   Well, I think it is such a honor that two of my grand daughters both ask to borrow mine.  A few days ago Annie wanted to borrow one of my Christmas Sweaters........she had borrowed it once before.  She had a YMAD Christmas party where they were suppose to wear Christmas stuff, I understand she also wore it to school today.  Then last night my oldest granddaughter Tiffany ask if she could borrow a Christmas sweater.......YES!  See, it pays to keep your old clothes  and especially your "ugly Christmas Sweaters".......that are popular again.  I am very honored and happy to share.
Well, it's time to get busy doing my least favorite and get ready for our big party tomorrow night.

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