Monday, December 16, 2013


 Hey, when you have a tall, new white shinny toilet......sometimes you can't help yourself!  I do intend to put a big red ribbon on my new toilet and welcome it to my home......time is ticking away, nine days left to do your Christmas shoplifting!  I have found the secret to avoiding the crowds do it early in the morning, Sunday is the best day.  I am down to doing the fun things now.  Finished sprucing up my bathroom and love it.  Just have Annie's quilt to put together, get some neighborhood gifts wrapped and get ready for dinner Friday night for the family here.  Leslie called and had taken a load of things up to her new place in Mesquite this weekend.  She is getting anxious to get it over with and felt bad that Kevin and Tammy had not bothered to help pack at all. Talked to Mike he is going down on the Christmas break and help her move need to help......she has always helped them in everything they did.
We like to think there are some things we would never do.  Standards that we set to guide us through even the most difficult circumstances.  Depending on what is at stake, however, we may find ourselves thinking and acting in ways we cold never have imagined.  It's easy to draw a line in the sand, but sometimes it's hard to find that line when the wind begins to blow.   I hope this Christmas time will find everyone reaching out to those in need......starting with your own family ......and help whenever or however you can.

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