Wednesday, December 11, 2013


No, I'm not famous or powerful or influential.........not really powerful. But I have the power of one! One kind word.  One caring act. One understanding glance.  One warm smile.  One bit of advice.  Just one can turn some one's day, week or even life around.  Especially when it's coming from me!   Just one person can make a difference.  Maybe somewhere, somehow I already have.  I really would like to think so.  Wouldn't it be wonderful if everyone did just One little something good to comfort someone in need.  This is such a good time of year to step out and stand out.  So I commit to try and smile or hold a door or carry a bag or give a compliment at least once a day till Christmas.....and maybe it will become a good habit.
"Trying on shoes at the mall can be a fun way to spend the afternoon.   Putting yourself in someone Else's shoes is usually much less pleasant. What's it like to be an unwed mother, a cancer patient, a homeless teen or a child on the other side of the world who goes to bed hungry every night?
In the same way an ill-fitting shoe can hurt your toes, trying on someone Else's struggles can hurt your heart.  That's what compassion does.  It empathizes with the difficulties of others so closely that we take on their burdens as if they were our own.  Even though empathizing with the struggles of others can make us more grateful for the blessings we enjoy in our own lives,  God's goal isn't for us to feel downcast about their situation.  God's gift of compassion is designed to spur us into action. Do what you can and pray for them."

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