Tuesday, December 3, 2013


 Welcome to December......I just can't deny it .......a fresh snow is beautiful, especially when it has waited until the 3rd of December to arrive.  November was a beautiful month, every day in the 50's......I think it spoiled us! So now we move on into winter and the Holidays. All the lights are up in the Condo area, my house is decorated out side.....thanks to Rob..... and Pam brought my Christmas Trees up yesterday, so I'm starting to get in the mood.  Maybe it all started two weeks or more ago when all the stores had their Christmas stuff out and were playing Christmas music. Through the years I have loved the four seasons in my native Colorado and Utah where I have spent most of my life......but, as I get older and I do not enjoy the cold, snow and ice much.
Talked to the twins, Karrie has more snow that I do and Sherrie said there isn't any in Vernal.   Talked to Leslie and she said Winslow was cold and windy and they expected some bad weather.  She is busy packing and getting ready to move the first of the year.  Had a fun coffee at Toby's yesterday and we think it would be fun to start having them regularly.  Well need to wrap some Xmas and Birthday presents, start Andrea's quilt and get out the tree decorations so not going out in the storm today.

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