Tuesday, December 24, 2013


Well, the TV reports Santa is somewhere over Korea now on his way to Salt Lake tonight????? It is over cast with 36 degree predicted.  The rain is ruining the pretty snow we have had around all week, but  it is what it is.......Rob called from work and ask me to wrap a few presents for Pam that he had stashed downstairs.......I delivered my neighborhood gifts yesterday......I wrapped my last gift yesterday and feel guilty I didn't mail one Christmas Card.....maybe next year.  We did get some great news......ALEX IS BEING RELEASED MARCH 4th!!!!! He will be home next Christmas, but Brayden will be gone and Richie will miss one more Christmas. They leave 19 year old boys and come home 21 year old men! I love it.
As I think about the past year......when looking behind I am filled with gratitude.  Looking forward I am filled with vision (Learning to use my new Ipad) Looking upward I am filled with strength.  Looking within I discover I am at peace.  I am not going to let Obama ruin my life......even though he is destroying our country.  Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas Eve.

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