Saturday, December 21, 2013


Boy am I glad we had our big family party last night before Santa really found out if we had been good or bad!  My early Christmas was wonderful a new IPAD, clothes and more fun goodies.  I feel our party was a big success.....Santa arrived with his bag of gifts....PLUS the Grinch who tried to steel our presents.  My two cute grandsons Kennedy and Brayden made us all laugh.  Two fun games  and wonderful dinner that everyone brought something good and presents by the dozens.  We talked to Nicci by Skype and our hearts and thoughts were with our two missionaries far, far away......We had a total of 15......a house full.  I thought after all the kids grew up we would lose some of the excitement but the older they get it seems the more fun we have!  Maybe because the adults are now all  in their second-childhood????  It took me a week to get all the dishes, chairs and table ready so guess it will probably take me that long to put them all away.....oh well nothing else to do I guess.  It is snowing again today and the kids said it was best I stay off the slick roads.......home for 3 days in row....WOW!   Christensen's are having that side of the family party today also, the Panniers are doing a family party tonight on the Pannier side.  Well, I am chalking up another successful party with my loving family.

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