Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Chapter #20......around the world

What a wonderful adventure.....Ann and I flew into Siem Reep----capital of Cambodia.  We had a very nice local hotel and the weather was soooo hot.  Two musts on our list, the ruins and a boat trip on the lake to see how many of the locals live and make a living fishing.  It is like Hong Kong, with one boat a school, one boat a church, one boat a store with homes clustered around.....They were ever bit as happy as the Astors in their Mansions!  Our tour guide bought us a two day pass to Angkor Wat....we had our pictures taken and wore a name tag around our neck with these.  I could have spent weeks there, people were riding elephants and the shopping was fun. The buildings with huge trees growing in--out--and over the ruins, their roots grotesquely hugging the ruins are so fascinating.  Quiet and shy monks in their garments of orange wander ideally about, they add the perfect feel and are the perfect setting for our trip to these magnificent ruins.
Someone wrote " One of these temples a rival to that of Solomon, and erected by some ancient Michelangelo might take an honorable place beside our most beautiful buildings.  It is grander than anything left us by the Greek or Romans."
A Portuguese monk in 1586 said that it "is of such extraordinary construction that is  not possible to describe it with a pen."  AMEN
Betty you are one of the luckiest people in the world......."Yes, I am"".
Angkor Wat was first a Hindu, then subsequently, a Buddhist temple complex in Cambodia and the largest religious monument in the world.  The Temple was built by the Khmer King Suryavaman II in the early 12th century.  The Temple still used is the symbol of the country.

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