Sunday, December 29, 2013

HAPPY 20TH RICHIE..........

This is my boy.....he is 20 years old today...and far away on a LDS Mission in Mexico.   Happy Birthday Richie,  We did get to chat on Christmas Day which helped with the lonesomeness.  He was the cutest baby with black curly hair and round and cute and third grandson.  Through the years he gave his grammy a few grey hairs as I tried to keep up with him when I baby sat.  Then on through school with Halloween Parade, piano concerts......why did you quit?.....the foot ball games and Lacrosse.   So proud of him.  Thinking of you today and missing you.  
Shirley and I went to see MR BANKS today which was the story of Walt Disney and Mary Poppins.  Then to lunch.  Started putting my Christmas Decorations away.  Leslie makes her big move to Mesquite Nevada tomorrow.  I know she  has mixed emotions after so many years in Winslow.......But HAPPY NEW YEAR begins in her new home.  Good luck Les.

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