Friday, August 31, 2012


OH MY, OH MY.....after spending an hour or two at Walmart and a constant parade of young, middle and old age people in spaghetti straps and shorts with every kind of tattoo, in every place unimaginable I would love to caution them!!!!!  In fact, this picture is a perfect example.  Once upon a time I weighed 110 lbs and had a perfect place to put an eagle tattoo, but if I would have been crazy enough to to do that my eagle would look like the lovely lady on the kids, take my advice and don't think anyone wants to guess what is hidden in this ladies numerous wrinkles......thank goodness this lady solved this mystery and told us.....She definitely is the one to blame for killing her eagle!  You can see it all at Walmart.
Big three day weekend, Christensons just called from Lake Powell and I think the Panniers were off to their new cabin in Island Park, Idaho.  Cooks are busy at Midway.  I am enjoying a quiet weekend doing what I always do......nothing.

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