Monday, August 20, 2012


I remember when I started journaling one of the suggestions they made was to take a photo and see what you see, feel what you feel, remember what you can about it and write, write, write.  I ran across the picture and a ton of emotions surfaced.  First and last time my family rode horses together.  I do not like horses, of course at that age, all children like to ride horses and I can't even imagine what the man in the photo was feeling.  I do remember Sherrie's horse took off running and she fell off and she was not going to get back on, BUT I had this husband that controlled with an iron hand and he informed her.....she was getting right back on that horse and finish the day.....yes, she did!  I remember I was angry at him with not being more sympathetic?  The interesting thing about the girls is......growing up Pam and Karrie both wanted us to buy them a horse, Sherrie was into other things.  Now that they are all gown, Pam and Karrie are not horse-people, it is Sherrie who has a love of horses.  She has a huge horse barn and five or six horses. Pictures make memories come alive.....This picture is an interesting memory.
Cute email from my little missionary and off to get my nails done.......and only two more weeks of August left.  In Midway yesterday the leaves have already started turning to reds and oranges and yellows.

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