Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Sad, sad, sad only two weeks of August left and the feel of autumn in the air, in fact the mountains are starting to put on their fall colors already.....I am not ready.  My arthritis does not like cold weather either!  The weeks go flying by, it is good to be busy, but maybe not this busy.  Both my bridge clubs meet this week so some socializing this week.
The picture is of my children's grandfather, Vadal Peterson. This is Sherrie and Karrie and their cousin Alisha,(Steve's daughter).  For future generations looking for ancestors old journals etc. help connect families.. Vadal lived up the street after Don and I got married and had Pam.  Vadal loved Pam and Wood's boys but was not really close to any of the other grandchildren......he just was not into kids.  Pam being a favorite was given grandma's bedroom set after she died and the only set of sterling silver silverware our family owns......He was married three times, grandma and Melva died and Charlotte was alive when he died at 82.  He became a famous basket ball coach at the University of Utah in the 50s.  His picture is in the Salt Palace and in the University.  He grew up in a family of 8 boys in Hunstville, Utah on a farm next door to David O McKays, who became president of our church. What was my relationship with him.......well, that is another blog!

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