Wednesday, August 15, 2012


My third granddaughter turns 17  Andrea Rachelle Cook,  I remember the curly headed, mama's girl always adorable.  From day one Annie has had a mind of her own.  She followed big brother, Richie, to the roof of her house (and I mean roof....they put their little table on the hot tub, a stool on it and a chair on top that....I found them laughing and giggling on the roof!)  I know your question....what kind of a baby-sitter grandma am I? Well, it never happened again. Heart attack for me.  Don't scream and yell, just promise them a treat if they will get down carefully......because there was no way I could get on that roof. (probably when my grey hair started).....and she has never stopped being a busy, on the go kind of child.
Annie has grown into a beautiful tall, slender girl.  She is a cheer-leader, teaches swimming and life guards at the Willow Creek Country Club. We are very good friends and I couldn't be more proud of her.  She has always been there for me and I can't wait to see what is next in her busy life as a junior at Brighton High School.
Got a wonderful email from Elder Christenson......and Scottie is coming to spend the night with me, Grandchildren....YES!

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