Sunday, August 12, 2012


Tomorrow is my friend Ann's, she is not 100, but feels and acts like it.  She has been sick almost as long as I have known her, (25 yrs.)  She is 79 and was in the hospital two weeks with palsy and A-fib and a few other things.  She lives in a assisted care center alone.  I took her a birthday card and a plant and we had a cheery conversation about the world ending Dec. 21, 2012!!!! Is that all old people have to talk about?
"It is your reaction to adversity, NOT the adversity itself that determines how your life's story will develop."
"No matter where you are on your journey, that is exactly where you need to be.  The next road is always ahead."  Deepok Chopra  I love Deepok's writings, he is from India an a deep thinker. He says the people in India are sustained by it's spiritual essence.  People in India believe in Karma....that what you are putting out is going to come back.  If  I do something to you, the energy of it is going to come back to me in the future.
Realize this is the moment you have---the only moment you have---and live in the present.  Pet your dog, hug your child, write a thank you note, smell the coffee, enjoy this moment, take time to live each moment!............AND YOU TOO CAN BE LIGHTING YOUR CIGARETTE ON YOUR 100TH BIRTHDAY CAKE. haha

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