Friday, August 17, 2012


A couple of weeks ago I went to the Hale Theater in Provo and saw the play "Crazy For You".  This is a picture of the cast, in the front row is my nephew's son Chase and the gal next to him is his wife, Vanessa, who were very good in it. They are both very active in the theaters around Provo.
I got to thinking about my mother, Hazel Marie Yeomans, who would have been 100 years old yesterday and her legacy, not so much with her children, but her grandchildren and great-grandchildren.  Mother's middle name could have been music.....she loved music of every kind.  She played the piano and was happiest when she was involved with her music.  In high school she played the piano for the silent movies.  She wrote the school song, that is still the school song.  She was in a band with her four brothers in high school and our home was full of music.  During WW II she wrote and directed a play and the music called 'The Dill Pickle Dream' and gave the money to the war bond fund. With all the exposure her five children had, only my one sister, Dixie was a natural musician.....BUT she did pass her talents on through the generations.  Her grandson Mike Ramsey sings and writes music and has been in many theater groups, as is now his son Chase...her great-grandson. Also Ryan Norton has a very good voice and loves acting. so I am sure she is looking down very proud.  Her other love was writing.  She wrote for the Cortez and Durango news papers.  She wrote a book of poems and many stories.  My sister Dixie did pick up on her writing skills and wrote a book as did my daughter Sherrie.  She wrote the' Power Of A Penny'.  I too, love to write, mostly journals and blogs????  Thanks mom for your great inheritances.

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