Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Two more days and August is over and Labor Day upon  us, notifying us summer is over and  grandma's swimming pool will be closing.  It's days by the pool with cousins having fun are 6 of my nine grandchildren.....and they all learned to swim in this pool that they gather around each year.  Just being together with a pizza  and a drink makes the day complete.  These wonderful children has made my life complete and given me many hours of pleasure. As I sit and watch them, I can't help but wonder where their paths in life will lead them. I just want to squeeze each one and never let them out of  my sight. BUT TODAY there are many changes in their lives already.  Alex, on the left is far away on an LDS in Brazil.  Today Richie, next to him, took his missionary papers into the bishop, soon we will know where in the world he will spend the next two years.  Andrea and Brayden just turned 17 and are juniors in high school.  My Kennedy is 14, in junior high and Scottie is in the 5th grade.  My three older grandchildren, Tiffany, Nicci and William  have all been part of our good times, but are moving on with their lives with jobs and marriage etc.

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