Sunday, August 26, 2012


Went to see the movie "2016 Obama's America." yesterday.  It only confirmed how and what I feel about him.  It was a wonderful, educational and informative documentary on where Obama is coming from.  He is a Muslim......born and his genes.  He was molded by an imagine of a father he never knew, his mother was three months PG when she married his father in February and Obama was born in August  His father had a total of 5 wives and many children, at the same time. Did his mother really care for his father?  She moved on in her life and sent Obama to Hawaii to be raised by his grandparents, who gave him a mentor that was Communist and very left.  He hung around with that kind of thinking people, teachers and his church with a radical priest, he later had to walk away from.  Why has it taken us four years to find all this out and not vetted him before we elected him.  The movie was done very well, never mentioned his wife or kids, say mean things or take side.....just facts.
The paper said the film also seems assured of becoming the highest grossing post 1982 political documentary coming from political right.  If Obama does win in November......maybe we would all be better off if a meteor hit our world and ended us on the 21st of December like the Mi ans predicted and Nostradamus predicted.
Love him or hate don't know him.  "If he fooled you once, shame on HIM.  If he fooled you twice, shame on YOU."

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