Saturday, August 25, 2012


Happy birthday Mike and Andrea. Love the picture, Mike, Andrea, Mike's children Chelsey, with little girl, Chase and his wife, Vanessa, Carli and Cade.  Andrea's children Andy, Sarah, Matt and Jake.
I love Mike and we have compared notes on "divorce"...we have done many fun things together and I have watched him suffer with the failure of his marriage and the ups and downs with his four children. His two oldest seem to have gotten back on track with their lives, but the two youngest are really headed down the "nothing road", which breaks his heart.  God is good and Mike has been given a second chance to have a good life.  He met and married Andrea Merriman, one of the strongest, smartest and kindest people I know. Her life was stopped dead in its tracks after 20 years of marriage, four great kids and all in life you could want.  Her husband was arrested and is in prison for a Ponzie Scheme which left her with nothing.  She picked up a piece of her life, probably because of her faith and spirituality, made a new life and found Mike!  She is my hero........"You never know how strong you are, until you have to be strong!"

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