Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Try to imagine being 11 years old, an only child for many years where the world revolved around your wants and needs, the home is organized, quiet and orderly.  You keep wishing for a baby sister you'd name Karrie.  And then......and day they bring home two baby sisters, a Karrie and a Sherrie!  They cry at all hours, need constant attention, smell good, smell bad, are always hungry. The house is suddenly not quiet, not clean and orderly. Your family seems all tied up with these two tiny people....Even though you have a bigger family, two sisters, you feel very lonely, lost and neglected......which makes you angry, but you don't tell anyone.  The years pass and everyone grows up and the birthdays, vacations and holidays are more fun with sisters.  And that is how life is sometimes.
As I look back I see how hard this was on Pam and I also know I could not have survived without her help with the twins.  She had to grow up, step up and she did.  I will never be able to tell how much I appreciated her.  Don airline pilot ... was never home to help.  It seems they were my babies, and he had a deal with it attitude.  Well I did with Pam's help..... we raised two darling people.  I would say the expression on Pam's face kinda tells you what a 11 year old thinks of two tiny babies who have just invaded her world. I  love pictures.

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