Sunday, August 5, 2012


Quiet Sunday. Scottie stayed all night with me and Rich just picked him up.  Sherrie is bringing Kennedy in for a week with his speech therapist, so will have company all week.  The Panniers went to St. George for the weekend to celebrate Liz's 21st birthday with Will.  Rob is very excited about the new cabin they just bought at Island Park, Idaho near one of my favorite places.....Maxs Inn.  It should be ready in October, it will be a wonderful place to enjoy the children and grand-children.
My Sunday thought;  "Our task is to become our best selves.  One of God's greatest gifts to us is the joy of trying again, for no failure ever need be final."  President Monson
There is no such thing as failure----only feed back.  One more week of Olympics, can't believe how fast they fly by.

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