Thursday, August 2, 2012


My oldest granddaughter, Tiffany, gave me a little book for Mother's Day entitled "Grandma, Her stories, Her words."  Each page has a question about my life, from childhood until now.  As I meander down memory is fun to remember and admit I never did like peas or peanut butter, that my favorite holiday was always Christmas.
Some of the questions made me really stop and think, "Describe the house you grew up in".....Well, the house was a big two story white house with a white picket fence and two apple trees in the front yard, that was the physical part.  Then there was the part that made this house a home and special.  It had a big kitchen with a round oak table that we all gathered around to eat and discuss everything in our daily lives, sorta the heart of the house.  Everyone loved my house and it was so filled with love and support, it spilled out the doors and windows to the neighborhood.
I am so happy to fill in this little book for Tiff to look back on and tell my great-grandchildren about her grandmother.  I hope to finish the little book and return it to Tiff by Christmas.  All grandparents should do this for those to come in the future.

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