Friday, August 24, 2012


It is an awesome feeling and honor to be put in the position of being the Matriarch of your family.  That honor was put upon me 26 years ago.  It wasn't a question of "can I do it?"  It was a decision, "I will do it.....and do it well!"  My family of three daughters, 2 granddaughters and a son-in-law, would indeed have a leader a home to come to and someone who would always be there for them.  A place to celebrate birthdays, holidays, to drop the kids off, someone to help with the dogs or go to when your lonesome or sick. Well, I have done this. What is the job of the Matriarch of a family?  They lead, guide and encourage the family to be the "best of the best" by example, experience and spirituality. I hope I have filled this position well and help to make my family the wonderful, successful people they are.  My three girls got an education, learned to work and married good men.  They are raising their children the same way and I am proud of everyone of them.  We are a good family, who love each other.....we are all different but the same....but we are a family to be proud of.
Remember you are the STAR of your own life.
Getting so tired of politics, shootings on every corner and nothing but bad news on the TV everyday.

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