Sunday, August 19, 2012


Yesterday spent a good day with my oldest daughter....PAMELA MARIE PETERSON/PANNIER.
Pam's family all abandoned her, the boys to go bow hunting and Tiff off to Vegas with friends.....on her special 55th birthday.  She and Rob just bought a new cabin in Idaho so we spent the whole day shopping for things to decorate and set up house keeping.  First the rug store, Tai Pan, Ikea, stopped and I took her to dinner at a Mexican restaurant, then off to TJ Maxx....two trips there. We had a great time.  Nicci called her to wish her a happy birthday, said she was out shopping Bridal Stores.  She called back later to tell her mother she found her wedding dress and Pam said 'go for it'. So all in all it was a very productive day for all concerned. Turning 55 has been very hard for Pam but she is lucky to have a great husband and three wonderful children, a job and good friends and family. Sometimes she has a hard time being happy.  At her age I was divorced......for one year.  I had two 19 year olds in college, was hunting a place for us to live, figure out cars for three people and start a new life! Enjoy your 55 years Pam, it happens to all the lucky ones.

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