Thursday, August 30, 2012


When someone or somethings upsets your life.....move on because they or it were just a chapter in your life.....but don't close the book.  Keep your head high and just turn the page!
At lunch the other day a couple of my friends and I were just saying how some days we just putter around till noon before we shower and get dressed.  I have found since I get older how easy this is and by the time you get dressed half the day is over and you aren't motivated to do much.  But, the days I have a list of to-dos or an appointment early, I zip through the news paper and breakfast and am up and going.  You really feel better all dressed up and cleaned up, not depressed and un-motivated.  I have a couple of friends that tell how their mother's up to the end of their lives in rest homes dressed up every day with make up, jewelry and ear rings etc. They were rather amused that this was so important to them with no place to go and no one to impress!  But it showed they liked themselves and took pride in their lives, age meant nothing.  I hope I can be one of those kind of people, so my new choice every day is to get up and dress up and fight for my dreams.
Off to watch Annie cheer at Brighton this after noon.  Patty over for coffee yesterday, lunch with Pat and LaVern the day before at the Salt Lake Country that another busy week, and month are almost over.

1 comment:

Steve Finnell said...

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