Saturday, September 1, 2012


First of all......Welcome September.  Can you believe it?  My summer is gone and I am loving these quiet evenings with the back door open so that wonderful evening breeze can creep in.  In fact in my perfect world, I would live in a place where year around I could open the back door and hear the sounds of night through the screen door, but soon i will be too cold and Fall and Winter will be upon us!
SINGLE.....yes, single when you are young is fun and exciting, but single in your older years is not fun and exciting.   But, being Single and surviving does make a strong statement about you and who you are.  I try so hard not to depend on my sweet family to change the light bulbs, the fire alarm battery, lift and move heavy things.  But, I am facing the fact slowly, I need them.....oh yes, and keeping me on track with this darn computer. Tomorrow night I have been invited over to witness Richie being ordained an elder.....YES!  I guess we will know in a couple of weeks where he will be off to as soon as college is out. Isn't it interesting how life just keeps moving on?

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