Saturday, September 8, 2012


I do believe in what our prophets say most the time, but like any one, I have the right to question the many rules they put upon us and why?  Way back when the rules of no coffee and tea or caffeine were put upon us, they were no worse or better than much of our food.  Alcohol and smoking I understand for health reasons, but I haven;t figured out caffeine. The Jews won't eat pork, but my Jewish neighbor loved 'ham fried rice'!.....and she is still a good person.  I found and read it to one of my girls that the church DOES NOT condemn COKE, so if you like it, life is short, enjoy it.  Why can't this be the same with coffee and tea?  I drink both and it doesn't make me love God less! I won't accept the vote it makes me a bad person. What do I base my drinking coffee on, I enjoy it and according to an article I would like to quote says....."Coffee adds years to life.....Enjoying an extra cup or two of java in the morning has a surprising benefit;  it will help you live longer, say researchers at the National Cancer Institute in BETHESDA, MD.  Their study of 400,000 people found that women who drank four to five cups a day had a 16 percent lower risk of death than those who drank none  According to study author Neal Freedman, Ph.D., coffee contains an estimated 1,000 compounds, including antioxidants and other substances known to prevent disease-triggering inflammation and insulin resistance."  Should those who don't drink coffee, start.  No, if you don't like it and took an oath in the temple you never would, take your chance the Cancer people are wrong, but don't condemn us who have not taken the oath or feel OK about our church standing.  As Dr. Phil says: " No matter how flat you make a still has two sides."

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