Tuesday, September 4, 2012


My  family are dog people and there seems to be a little competition in whose dog is the smartest!  Today I got a picture of one of the family dogs surfing  in Lake Powell last weekend, now come on folks.....this grandma wouldn't even do that....... so hurrah for Macy!  Talented?  Well, I also have to confess just before they were ready to load Macy in the plane to fly to Lake Powell she got squirted by a skunk!!!! She still looks a little pink from the tomato juice.  Nicci's Ollie loves TV and runs marathons.... Tiff's.Captain can jump any fence, no matter how high and Karrie's Marley is such a lover.  My Gigi and I better get in there and do some fancy training or get left behind.  Now when Lucille brags about her family I will brag about my surfing grand-dog and I have a picture to prove it!                              I have been learning to be a "yes" woman.  When you want to hear a positive response from someone start your conversation with a question sure to get you a "yes" answer.  Like, 'nice day today, isn't it?' or 'the weekend can't come soon enough, right?' Psychological research proves that once you get someone saying yes, it is easy to get them to continue!   So when my car wouldn't start this morning I said 'Betty you have a dead battery don't you?' I answered yes.  What should you do now?  Call Triple A.....or the family.  Tried again and this time it started......made it to Sears where they told me my 10 year old battery was dead for good......so I bought a new one. Yes, I have to have a car that starts whenever and wherever I need it.                                                                                              

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