Friday, October 31, 2014


Well, here we are again......HAPPY HALLOWEEN......I bought a little candy (something I like when no one comes)......and at 8;00 no Trick or Treaters have come by.   May turn off my lights and just go watch TV.  Pam and Kar came over this morning and went to town on the office......I really appreciate their help, even though I will never miss all they threw helped.  Then just as I was getting ready to head out to the "GOOD WILL" to unload a car full of stuff two of my very old friends called and were on their way over to visit......Carol and  Susan have been friends........ forever.......they were both married to Western Air Line pilots and we did a lot of fun things together back both their pilot husbands are dead and we fit in together again with me being divorced!  I look back at so many memories of fun Halloween parties with the kids and the dozens of Halloween costumes I have sew en in my it is just another day.  It was a beautiful warm day, but they are warning cold and snow are headed our way this weekend......Baby shower tomorrow for Tiff!.......and more packing!

Thursday, October 30, 2014


I don't know about the rest of you seniors but I am starting to keep up with my grandkids......I think back over all those years growing up, raising my family and entering the twilight years and I did fine with none of the gadgets these kids live by........A radio and a phonograph were wonderful.  My kids got together I think and started giving me these wonderful gadgets......that now very much a part of my life......A DVD was fun only the movies were kinda expensive........ Then I got a KINDLE to read books whenever and wherever I wanted.......Then came my wonderful LAP TOP Computer.....I never did learn much on the big computer in the den but my granddaughter who was living with me launched me immediately on my new laptop.  She signed me up for Facebook, started me off on blogging, Pinterest and lots of fun games.......Oh yes, and taught me how to email.......Then they gave me the CELL PHONE.....which I am still learning......but I can read and send texts and that seems to be enough to get me by......I do not want one of those new fancy things that do everything and gives you details about everything except the bowel movements of the entire next generation.....which I guess you could go to search and find that out if you really wanted to!......Got a GPS because they thought my sister and I needed one for a road trip we were taking.....I don't mind asking for directions........but it did look good sitting on the dash board of our rental car.......but the lady......we named her Mertal......was  very annoying and the rudest person.  Every 10 minutes she would say sarcastically, ......"Re-calc-u-lating"........You would think she could be a little nicer!  We were not always happy on her choices of routes.......CORDLESS PHONES can be a pain when you can never find them.....I grew up and our phone was hooked to the wall and it never got lost or needed to be re-charged!......AND a discussion with the kids about my information being stored on a CLOUD.....did not make me happy......what if my cloud floated over to Russia or somewhere dangerous????? When you go grocery have to make the decision.....paper or plastic.....I just tell them it doesn't matter to me....I am bi-sacksual!"......most of them don't get it?    I have some cloth bags.....but never remember to take them with me.  The last wonderful toy I got is my IPAD.....which I am hooked on....MAN I can do everything on that little toy.......Instagram keeps me up on the latest along with Facebook, Pinterest, Houzz and a dozen other APTS! It is scarey to think what else I have to learn to be able to communicate with my grandkids and kids.
Nice afternoon with Bonnie and Shirley checking out Bonnie's new place.....then off to Home Depot and bought Pansies and planted my pots for Spring. And packing....packing......packing.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


These were the three precious people that God trusted me with and when you are young you have so much to learn.....but as I am about to become a great-grandmother for the first time I realize a great deal more about how I lived my life......I now realize your children, grandchildren and soon to be great-child are watching me and doing as I do, not as I say!
              "When you thought I wasn't looking I saw you hang my first painting on the refrigerator, and I immediately wanted to paint another one."
              "When you thought I wasn't looking I saw you feed a stray cat, and I learned that it was good to be kind to animals"
              "When you thought I wasn't looking I saw you make my favorite cake for me, and I learned that the little things can be the special things in life."
              "When you thought I wasn't looking I heard you say a prayer, and I knew that there is a God I could always talk to, and I learned to trust in Him."
              "When you thought I wasn't looking I saw you make meal and take it to a friend who was sick, and I learned that we all have to help take care of each other."
              "When you thought I wasn't looking I saw you take care of our house and everyone in it, and I learned we have to take care of what we are given."
              "When you thought I wasn't looking I saw how you handled your responsibilities, even when you didn't feel good, and I learned that I would have to be responsible when I grow up."
              "When you thought I wasn't looking I saw tears come from your eyes, and I learned that sometimes things hurt, but it's all right to cry."
               "When you thought I wasn't looking I saw that you cared, and I wanted to be everything that I could be."
               "When you thought I wasn't looking I learned most of life's lessons that I need to know to be a good and productive person when I grow up."
               "When you thought I wasn't looking I looked at you and wanted to say, 'Thanks for all the things I saw when you thought I wasn't looking'."
      All you have to do to see how a person is..... is to look at what kind of parents and family he had growing up.....WOW

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Had coffee with my friend Patty this morning and she agrees with me about this and they agree.......It is happening right here in our own country!......
Have you noticed that stairs are getting STEEPER?  Groceries are HEAVIER.  And, everything is FARTHER away.  Yesterday I walked to the corner and I was dumbfounded to discover how LONG our street had become!  And, you know, people are less considerate now, especially the young ones.  They speak in WHISPERS all the time!  If you ask them to speak up they just keep repeating themselves, endlessly mouthing the same SILENT MESSAGE until they're red in the face! What do they think I am. a lip reader?
I also think they are much younger than I was at the same age.  On the other hand, people my own age are so much OLDER than I am.  I ran into an old friend the other day and she has aged so much that she DID EVEN RECOGNIZE me. 
I got to thinking about the poor dear while I was combing my hair this morning, and in doing so, I glanced at own  reflection well........ REALLY NOW-----EVEN MIRRORS are not made the way they used to be!
Another thing, everyone drives so FAST these days!  You're risking life and limb if you happen to pull onto the freeway in front of them.  All I can say is, their brakes must wear out awfully fast, the way I see them SCREECH AND SWERVE in my rear view mirror.......
Clothing manufacturers are LESS CIVILIZED these days.....Why else would they suddenly start labeling a size 10 or 12 dress as 18 or 20?  Do they think no one notices?  The people who make BATHROOM SCALES are pulling the same prank.....Do they think I actually 'believe' the number I see on that dial? HA! I would never let myself weigh that much!  Just who do these people think they're fooling?
I'd like to call up someone in authority to report what's going on-----but the TELEPHONE COMPANY is in on the conspiracy too:  they've printed the phone books in such SMALL type that no one could ever find a number in there!
All I can do is pass along this warning:  WE ARE UNDER ATTACK!  Unless something drastic happens, pretty soon everyone will have to suffer these awful indignities.

Sunday, October 26, 2014


Boy these past few tomorrows have really been full of surprises.....Gigi had another spell this morning and after the weekend stress and thinking I might lose my dog......I lost it!  I do feel better this evening after dinner with the Panniers ......AND YOU  NEVER KNOW WHAT TOMORROW WILL BRING!
A clock in a restaurant window had stopped on 12:00 o'clock.  A friend stopped to tell them their clock in the window had stopped.
"Yes"....they said.....
 "we know it."  But, you'd be surprised how many people don't know what time it is and stopped to eat......because of that is good for business.
Are you one of those people who don't know what time it is in your life?  Are you stopped by "stopped clocks" in your life?  Wake up......take aware of the many clocks in your attention to what time it really is.  "REMEMBER TODAY IS THE FIRST DAY OF THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!"

Saturday, October 25, 2014


Here are two of my favorite people......My Nicci and her Bill and expressing Fall in such a great manner......Sun Flowers so say Fall!  I so understand her spirit in life.  As I face this great change in my life I ask myself "Betty how can anything so so good?" Sherrie came in Friday to help me pack some things up...Darren came by with one of his workers to see what can or has to be done to my house to get top dollar....David Dee had many good ideas as he flips houses a lot for Darren and Rich came over and you would not believe what went first they were going to move me out immediately and start working on it.....I think the girls could see my stress level rise as I wanted to spend Christmas here then begin the whatever they think I should be doing......well the girls won and I spend Christmas here then move every thing out and let them begin..... HELLO.......they have not even dug the hole for my new house!!! We are looking at March some time if we are lucky.  So I guess the first part of January I will move out......tend for Sher while they go to Hawaii......move in with Pam and Rob a week or two and hopefully my little sister will let me come visit two or three weeks in February and then back to Pam's a few weeks in March till move in time......Of course this seems to change by the day......The girls and I did get a ton of packing and throwing away a huge pickup full that we dumped off at the DI this morning.....They filled my garage full of boxes so I can keep at it....with their help.  Then the fun part we finally pinned Alex down...Wedding the 13th of December in the Salt Lake Temple.  Darren and Sherrie giving the luncheon afterwards at the Joseph Smith building.....we  (Karrie, Sherrie, Annie and I) checked out the room and got the menus etc.....then off to lunch at the Cheese Factory at City Center Mall.....and shopped for a outfit for the mother of the groom. Karrie and Annie fixed her up good with two it was a success.  Am I tired tonight?????  OH YES and will not be waiting up for Alex to get home to sleep over.  But a good day.

Thursday, October 23, 2014


After two very quiet weeks in Vernal all of a sudden it is busy, busy. I love this picture and I am sure I look like this at the end of some of these days.......I know that I just need to have faith that my house will be fixed up and sold for enough to pay for the new one.....that it will all happen about the same time and I won't have to impose on the kids too long......or my sweet sister.  And I will be as safe and happy out there as I have been in this condo....and find some good neighbors and friends.  No body seems concerned about all this .......but me.
Yesterday was bridge and didn't get much done, today I picked up more boxes and did some work in the back yard.  Tomorrow Sherrie is coming to town and hopefully will be able to play a little.  As Doctor Phil said today he always plays the "BUT FOR" game....well I would have...... but for...........and it gets a lot of people into a lot of trouble. 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


I wake up every morning lately and tell myself  "Betty you are the luckiest person on earth" have the wonderful family you have that cares and take such good care of you.......spent the morning going over the details of my new home down to the detail of picking the tile, colors, cabinets color etc. etc. etc. We walked through the model that is coming along and I could see where my furniture will fit......only need to get rid of a few things.....I now am starting to get a little bit excited about the new place.
It is going to be a very busy is my cute granddaughter Tiffany showing everyone how fast my great-grandson is growing.....I think the May wedding of Lindsey and Alex will now be December 13th!  AND my missionary Richie will be home January 20th and a temporary moving date of March sometime?????  just when I was planning a quiet Fall my kids and grandkids stepped in and changed things.......
I find we don't need the courage to face life's big test.  What we need is courage to meet life's little tests.....We need the courage to follow our own routine, to stick to our plans for life and keep going day after day......and hour after hour till we are at peace that we have handled our lives........ " my way".

Monday, October 20, 2014


This is all that is really important to remember "It's today".....take it enjoy it!  And thank God for it.  Just talked to my little sister for some comfort that I can really handle what is ahead for me...MOVING!
Done it before, but was much younger!  I took down all the family pictures and packed them away today and slowly moving on....YES, I can do it. There is always that question....."but what if I need it someday?"  I guess that fear is the reason we hold on to clutter.  Also getting attached to the children's drawings or prom dresses have a magical essence is natural because we see our personal history through them......take a picture of them and pass them on.  You will always have the memory that way.....follow the rule; something in....something out.....oh sure!  One bright spot in going through all "my stuff'....I have found some interesting things ......old pictures, old letters and some  interesting things I wrote long ago.  Love it.  Heard from both my missionaries today and that always makes my day. Well, there is always tomorrow and more packing.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

13 YEARS AGO TODAY........

Well, a big happy birthday to my youngest grandchild....SCOTTIE COOK....who has moved into the teenage bracket of a big #13!  Can't believe how he has grown this summer and his voice is changing and he likes to hang out with the guys more than he does his grammie..........Ahhhh, but I have lots of memories and he is still very darling to me holding my arm up and down stairs and crossing roads....very protective.  We did our usual birthday celebration at the Spaghetti Factory, candles, presents and singing.  It was a fun evening.
AND.....this week no baby or dog setting for the family.  Two weeks with Sherrie's boys and two dogs in Vernal, one week of Bree....Pam's dog and three days with Karrie's two dogs........ Marley and Izzy..........That,s what keeps grandma's young! 

Saturday, October 18, 2014


A beautiful Fall morning.....just right for a football off to watch Scottie play football this morning.....he will be 13 tomorrow and I am so proud of him.  Karrie brought me home and decided she needed to vacum and shovel dog poop as I kept her  2 dogs over the weekend.....I told her to leave the dusting to me, but I don't mind a little dust!
Are you looking forward to what lies ahead in your life....or living on past memories? "Life becomes worth living only to the man who has learned, as he surveys the work of the day just past, to look forward with enthusiasm to the next day's task.  It is the entire pattern that makes life worth living.  No part of living can stand for the whole.  No moment of living can take the place of the long surge and sweep of living through the years." many times have you thought....."I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant?"

Thursday, October 16, 2014

MY NEW HOME.......

Well it isn't my home yet........I am standing in front of Lot #91......on Farmwood Lane!!!!  They are due to dig in a couple of it is full speed ahead on packing my treasures and getting rid of a ton of "STUFF" I can put my house up for sale right after Christmas.  Did my social stuff Tuesday .........A movie and lunch with Shirley and yesterday had Ruth and Patty here for coffee and that always shoots a day.  Today I have made some progress while tending Karrie's two dogs and Pam's one.  I covered the summer furniture on the pack porch and colored my hair also....oh yes ran over again and feed Pam's gold fish and put water in the pond.  It is suppose to turn cold tomorrow.......

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Yep....Don  crashed his airplane and he and Coco walked away!  I woke up this morning to a text that said....." Call me....Don crashed his airplane"...I called  Sher and she told me it was on the KSL news last night....I had been watching Fox!  Something wrong with the plane when he left Alpine Wyoming where we have a cabin.....not mine any more......went into the Bountiful airport where he circled  a few times to get someone's attention and finally landed his airplane very fast .....jumping a ditch and running into a  hanger to stop!!!!  He walked away  Saw it all on face book where someone who noticed him and filmed it all.....Do you know how many hours this man has in airplanes of every kind of airplanes?  My thirty years of marriage to him....I always played second fiddle to his love of planes and the time he spent in them with the Air National Guard and Western Airlines...later Delta.  BUT my son-in-law who is a pilot, told me this morning.....any plane crash you can walk away from is a good crash!  I am happy he was able to do this and at 85 I hope he will give up flying....but I wouldn't bet on it as no one tells him what to do!!!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Here is my darling missionary....Richie Cook.....just like his mother, loves dogs.  We are counting the days till he gets home in January......I think he is winding down.
Sometimes, the best way to be happy is to learn to let go of things you tried hard to hold on to that are no longer good for you.....I am thinking of my house.  The stairs are killing my knees and I haven't touched my back yard flower beds this summer......laundry down stairs is a I am letting go of my very comfortable and safe retreat that I have returned to from my many trips around the world for the past 27 years. I am moving into a place with no stairs, laundry on main floor and no flower beds!
There seems to be  a little voice inside of me that whispers all day long....."I feel that this is right for me."...... "I know this is wrong,".......No teacher, preacher, parent, friend or wise man can decide what's right for you.....just listen to the voice that speaks inside........I guess it is your conscious or holy ghost.  I have learned to listen to my little voice.

Monday, October 13, 2014


It was a very hectic weekend and I hope I wasn't too difficult.....The kids were all very patient and to all my negative suggestions.....they had a positive answer that a move was best and do-able and they were there for me all the way....Richard had put in addendum or two and we were waiting to see if the builder would approve them......Karrie called awhile ago they told her he I guess its a go and full steam ahead....I will start cleaning out but thank-goodness we are talking till next February or March for the big move.....will put the house up for sale after Christmas. Mondays are to the post office, bank, to Pam's to feed their gold fish in the outside pond.....Burlingtons' to pick up a pad for the new baby cradle I got at a garage sale for $10.00.....then off to Walmart for dog food and stopped at the liquor store to pick up some boxes for packing, but they were closed because of Columbus Day so home to do more chores.......Going to play tomorrow.   We are having nice fall weather, but need to get my yard and patio ready for snow...... I was so content and had no it seems like it will be my middle name for a few months. I do have some bright spots to look forward to.....New great-grandson in Dec......Richie coming home from his mission in Jan.......and Alex getting married in May.

Sunday, October 12, 2014


Well, I have certainly used this cordless phone created by GOD much this week trying to be sure I should listen to the kids and moving and buying another place is what I am suppose to do!  Thank you God for your help....I guess it is a done deal......I have a feeling the next few months in my mind are going to be hectic.......WERE....WHAT....WHEN....HOW......... will be many of the questions?  Yes, when all this done I know I will be extremely happy about sister tells me I will......but all my room!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Can't believe what I did today??????

 Here it is October 11, 2014......and I can't believe what I did today!  As you have been following my blog the girls and guys have decided Mom needs to move away from all these stairs......soooo they lost no time in finding me a new one.  I made a deposit on Lot #91 which won't even be started for another month.   If and when it get done, I get my house sold and I get moved sometime next spring......without a nervous breakdown, it will be nice. Rich took us to ZUPPA'S to celebrate  .......very tired and I am tending Bree for a week while Pam and Rob are in Mexico with friends.
Added to my big day was a wedding lunch for my cousins daughter Becky.....her first marriage in her 50's and the man a nice looking man in his 60s whose wife died after being sick two years.  He has three daughters who are not too happy about it.  Lucille looked so tired.  Alex stayed all night with me.....I love him so and he will take the table down stairs .

Thursday, October 9, 2014


As I ponder what is ahead of me in the next few months .....I remind myself over and over......HAPPINESS isn't getting what you want....but.....APPRECIATING what you have!  In my life I have soooo many blessings.  I am relative healthy, so far I haven't had to be a bag lady, I have 3 families who are very supportive and involved in my life and my later years......a lot of good friends and extended family. So I am thankful for all I have and have put my future out there for the Universe to work on!!!!
The Christensons called from Atlanta and will be home tonight sometime......I am sure after two weeks  they are anxious to get home and see the kids and the farm.  I have been here two weeks ago tomorrow and they will take me back to SLC tomorrow sometime. I have so enjoyed the boys.
Rob called last night all excited about me moving down to 78th so.....I think he has me convinced if they will help get house ready for sale and workout the price.  Kar has been convinced from day one and Pam and Rich are backing them up.  Sherrie has been out of town so doesn't know what is going on?????BUT I know she will help me get through this.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


It doesn't take long to turn into the culture you are submerged in.  Here are Sherrie and Darren in their hats etc.  They are leaving for home today, but won't get here until late tomorrow night.  The kids and dogs are getting lonesome as two weeks is a long time to put up with GRANDMA....I am so anxious to hear all the fun things they got to do.......  The boys have been so good and I have had such a nice visit with both of them.  I dread going home and facing the hastle of finding a new place to live that I can handle money wise and moving wise!!!!!  Just talked to Lucille.....the mother of the bride.....she is warn out and had to feed missionaries tonight and get ready for a house full of company coming in on Friday for the wedding.  Becky is in her 50s and this is her first marriage special for the family of six kids.  Talked to Karrie and Pam so made my day and know Sherrie is out there in Peru somewhere packing to come home......

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


This is Ann Moseley.....a friend that made many of my wonderful trips around the world possible.  They just had a day of celebration for her life.....she was a year younger than me but always overweight when I knew her which caused much of her health problems.  She was a travel agent and always had some exciting place planned for us to adventure into.  I never knew her when she was young and very thin so the early picture was fun for me to see.
       We felt most alive when we were on the move.....We found first hand anything is possible when we are given a new day in a place we had never been as we surrender ourselves to the currents of the universe.....We were mesmerized by every new culture and learned smiles are the same in any language.  Miss you Ann

Monday, October 6, 2014


Well, been 10 days since I got to Vernal and I am beginning to be part of the neighborhood........When I am driving into Walmart in Sherrie's Cadillac station wagon, everyone along the way knows the Christenson's car and they I always wave back  I got to the post office last week and love Walmart, Joans and TJ Maxx!!!!I grew up neighboring the Indian Reservation in Colorado's 4 Corners area, so feel right at home with the next door neighboring reservation here and Indians around. Love the following story and this picture with his wonderful turquoise jewelry brought back lots of memories.
             An elderly lady lived on the edge of the reservation and drove into the little town to pick up a few supplies. On the way home she saw an old squaw walking back to the reservation and stopped to give her a lift.  The squaw got in and they rode in silence awhile.  Finally she asked....."what did you buy"?  The lady said ,"milk, bread, eggs........and I got a bottle of Bourbon for my husband."  More silence then the squaw said......"good trade."
Karrie called this morning and said they may have found the right place for me to move too.....that would be so nice.....they were going to try and go through it today......Leslie also called and said she had the solution to my problem.......move to Mesquite!  She found a place a few blocks from her......that would be so nice for winter, but I do need to be closer to my kids ad grandkids.

Sunday, October 5, 2014


My two youngest grandchildren.....Ken 16 and Scottie 13....Taken this weekend.  Ken got to stay all night with his favorite people Aunt Karrie and was a good break from his grandmother who has been tending for 9 days and has 5 more to go.......Nice break to run home and read mail and water plants and then back to Vernal today.  Al's yellow truck lost it's steering so he borrowed a truck from his grandpa BUD to get us back to Vernal.......only did not have the back seat like Al' the three of us squeezed into the cab.....and I held Gigi on my lap for three hours home......poor Lillie and Macie had to ride in the back.....thank goodness it was nice fall weather.  We watched conference when we got home and then were invited over to the Labrums for dinner and help Porsha celebrate her birthday. A nice evening.....home to do the chores and settle in for the weekly routine.  A fun email from Sherrie in Peru......they were listening to conference and tomorrow off to Lake Titicaca for a couple of days before flying home.......wonderful trip!

Saturday, October 4, 2014


This cute couple has been gone a week out touring Peru.......We are lonesome and they have another week to go......Grandma is in charge!!!!
"Hypnagogia"  learned a new word today....a highly creative state of mind between sleeping and wakefulness.....Like Day Dreaming.
Having a rough morning?  Place your hand over your heart;  Feel that?  That is called purpose.  You are alive for a reason......don't give up.
"Sometimes God closes doors because it's time to MOVE forward......He knows you won't move unless your circumstances force you.  Trust the transition....Gods got you!!!!"  I read things like that and hope they are the omen I need to feel I should move out of my house with all the knees are giving out and I don't want to fall.
Busy weekend running back to Salt my mail, watered plants, and got some warm cloths to take back to Vernal tomorrow.  Pam came over and helped me update my IPAD and Karrie came and got Ken for the afternoon to play with Scott......I miss seeing my kids more.

Friday, October 3, 2014


OK.......back to my favorite saying.....'THINGS HAPPEN FOR A REASON......JUST BELIEVE."  I have faith that fairly soon I will find the perfect place to move to with no stairs, laundry up stairs and a walk-in shower.  Would prefer a fenced patio and a more than $2,000.00.....I have faith.......and that I can sell my house fast.....It might not be tonight, tomorrow or the next day, but everything is gonna be OK!!!! Focus on that thought Betty.....
Getting things ready to head back to SLC for the weekend then back  to Vernal for another week. Love my boys and we are starting to miss Mom and Dad.....kinda?  Grandma doesn't have so many rules......Sherrie has been texting every nite but finally got to CUZCO where they had Internet and it was fun getting the latest on their trip today. Today they were taking the train up to Machu Pichu........then will end their trip by a trip up to Lake Titicaca.
Dread the week after when I will be getting serious about looking for a place to move and cleaning up mine so I can sell mine......hopefully all this will happen fast and before the Holidays. Karrie called yesterday with the sad news, Richard's partner's Mom had just fallen down her stairs putting the dogs out and broke all kinds of things and Karrie said seeeeeee Mom, that's what we are worried about you doing......and why we want you to move!
Well, a happy weekend wish for everyone out there.

Thursday, October 2, 2014


  When you are not having the best of days.....all you have to do is look at a picture like this to make you cute 18 year old granddaughter Andrea Cook.......I think I have problems....but I don't! Her darling Mom, Karrie, called a  little while ago to tell me her husbands partner's mother......who is 10 years younger than I am........ just fell down the stairs in her home and really broke things today.....she said one more reason Mom we want you to one floor.   I know they love me and care and I need to work really hard at making the move happen.......with a happy face like Annie's. 
Weather in Vernal has changed and it is freezing cold today, got the kids to turn up the heat.  I guess Fall is upon us, kids said cold in Salt Lake also.  The Christensons' have been gone a week and I think the kids and the dogs are missing them.  They won't be home till next Thursday night.  Such a wonderful trip to Peru though.  KEEP SMILIN'

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Well here it is October 1st already and my Mexican Missionary will be home in a little over 3 months......Two years seems like forever when they leave......but somehow you get through it.  I wonder how much he has changed and grown up and will be speaking Spanish like a pro.......He just had to have this outfit as a reminder of his mission and I hope he never gains a pound or two.   Love ya Richie.
Still hanging out in Vernal with my two sweet Christenson boys ......and freezing to death.  Zipped off to Walmart an the post office this and that big caddie are finding our way around Vernal finally.  Talked to Lucille and Shirley this morning.....Salt Lake is still there and cold also......Lucille getting ready for Becky's wedding and worrying about a growth in her throat that has to be removed.....always something.  Shirley looking forward to dinner at the Willow Creek Country night out.
A SLC Postman delivered a package here yesterday and Alex answered the door....He went back to work and an Animal Control agent knocked on my door and said a complaint had been issued about our little white dog! I told her I thought she had the wrong address and she left......I called Alex and he said yes, Macie had nipped at the guy but he said it didn't break the skin and he said he was ok.  Well he went down and turned it in and she came back and saw her and the rabies tag and said she was court ordered to stay in our yard or be on a lease for 10 days....Darren will be home by then and can take care it.  I always worry about the  kids getting in trouble......but the first time for any of the dogs I have tended!  Well, time to start some dinner so the boys can get to Mutual tonight.......