Tuesday, December 31, 2013

GOOD-BY 2013

The best time to Begin is NOW!  An old proverb says, "The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago.  The second best time is now."  There is something wonderful and hopeful about the word NOW.  There is something empowering about the fact that if we choose to decide now, we can move forward at this very moment.  NOW is the best time to start becoming the person we eventually want to be---not only 20 years from now but also for all eternity.
Become your best self----starting now.......President Uchdorf teaches that "personal goals can bring out the best in us." He advises us to set some goal in two or three areas of our life.  As you ponder where you would like to grow or improve yourself, make sure the goals are attainable and will require you to grow.  God also knows that we learn and grow and become stronger as we face and survive the trials through which we must pass.  We know that there are times when we will experience heartbreaking sorrow, when we will grieve, and when we may be tested to our limits.  However, such difficulties allow us to change for the better, to rebuild our lives in he way our Heavenly Father teaches us, and to become something different from what we were----better than we were, more understanding than we were and stronger.
As I end this really bad year of government, Obama care, the constitution in jeopardy....I pray for a better year in the world.

Monday, December 30, 2013


As we come to the end of the year 2013........I am sure, including me, there are many people who are waiting to do something when they are ready.  I also bet that if ask them this time next year they will still be waiting.  When you are young you feel you have the rest of your life to take that special trip, get your teeth fixed, go back to school etc. etc. etc.  But being old I can tell you if you want to start with desert .....do it.....a bus might hit you tomorrow.  Each of our life journeys is unique.  No one will take the same journey.  When we are young our parents try to direct us on the right path, what the right path is for each of us no other person  knows......and it may take a few mistakes for us to find the right path.  But if there is a dream, a wish or a goal out there that hangs on.....don't wait......it might be later than you think.  With only one day left in this year make that a resolution to get busy in the new year.....and don'[t wait the rest of your life.
Most of us can remember how long the summers used to seem and how long it was from birthday to birthday.  When we were five, it seemed we'd never get to be 10, it seemed it would be forever until we were twenty.  So often it is only by looking back at where we have been to see how much we have grown and how fast the time of our life has passed.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

HAPPY 20TH RICHIE..........

This is my boy.....he is 20 years old today...and far away on a LDS Mission in Mexico.   Happy Birthday Richie,  We did get to chat on Christmas Day which helped with the lonesomeness.  He was the cutest baby with black curly hair and round and cute and pink.....my third grandson.  Through the years he gave his grammy a few grey hairs as I tried to keep up with him when I baby sat.  Then on through school with Halloween Parade, piano concerts......why did you quit?.....the foot ball games and Lacrosse.   So proud of him.  Thinking of you today and missing you.  
Shirley and I went to see MR BANKS today which was the story of Walt Disney and Mary Poppins.  Then to lunch.  Started putting my Christmas Decorations away.  Leslie makes her big move to Mesquite Nevada tomorrow.  I know she  has mixed emotions after so many years in Winslow.......But HAPPY NEW YEAR begins in her new home.  Good luck Les.

Saturday, December 28, 2013


I can't let this Christmas Season pass without acknowledging Spotty Dot.......he is part of our lives.  Dad mounted this little deer, a freak of nature.  Mother wrote a poem and a song for her grandchildren about him one Christmas.  He is Christmas to us with our neighbor who dropped by and posed as Santa....When the little reindeer can't make it, Spotty Dot will carry him and his presents to all the good little boys and girls.
Had a fun day with Annie and Scottie.......we all went to California Pizza and it was delicious.  Then Annie gave me a lesson on my new IPAD.  They also brought in my containers to start taking down Christmas.....kinda sad but it was great and we can all look forward to another one with 2014 breathing down our necks.  It is still very cold and smoggy, Will and Liz are setting up housekeeping together this weekend......I give them six months and Will will be hunting a new roommate??????

Friday, December 27, 2013

CHAPTER #23.....continued

My first trip to Europe was to Italy, France and Sicily........I found Paris FRANCE a city full of tourist wonders....art galleries, museums, parks and garden, the powerful and famous Notre Dame, the Arc de Trump. We took a romantic cruise on the Seine River and visited the Mona Lisa at the world famous Louve.  Then there is the famous EIFFEL Tower.....I have been to the top twice and the view is out of this world.  Paris France has something of interest for everyone.  I loved the artist colony of Momart on the hill.....Saw the FOLLY Braziers and went to the night market for the best "onion soup" I ever had!  Another wonderful taste of France was NIECE on the Rivera.....it really had a miserable beach but the shopping was fun......The side walk cafes where you could watch the latest fashionable styles parade by....WOW.


"Love makes you young.  If you're doing what you love with people you love, it keeps you young and energized"
"I didn't always know what I wanted to do......But, I knew the kind of person I wanted to be."
FAVORITE......."Don't cry because it's over.......Smile because it happened!"  Dr. SEUSS
"The one that angers you 'controls you'......Don't give anyone that power!  Especially the one who does it intentionally."
"It's hard to make a comeback, if you haven't been anywhere!"
"My sunblock is100% effective......It's called a "house".
Love Maxine....."I DON'T NEED MUCH TO MAKE ME HAPPY........in fact, some days nothing keeps me happy."
"Today is the oldest you have ever been.....And the youngest you will ever be....."
So many thoughts so little time.......had a great day......seeing grandkids is always a great day.....and Kar.   I guess Liz and William are moving in together this weekend!!!!! WITH their dog no one can stand.  I am wondering if in six months they will both be looking for a new roommate?  Things happen for a reason......just believe.

Thursday, December 26, 2013


Oh, how I remember this scene in my past life.......Don usually left on a flight and there I was trying to figure the kids toys out!  I am not feeling sorry for the many house-holds out there going through the same thing yesterday, today and tomorrow! If you have had kids it is a familiar scene.
Today is kinda a let down and feeling of relief we made it successfully through the big day.  No exciting plans for New Years.  The Christensons are off to Mexico.  The Panniers are off to St George this weekend.  Busy family.  I had a wonderful Christmas, love watching the grandkids this time of year and spoiling them a little, including my two missionaries.  I love my IPAD, Calvin Cline perfume set, Starbucks coffee, clothes and a ton of fun stuff.  I am very spoiled.........and love it!
I love this Christmas prayer......Dear God, please never let me crowd my life full to the brim, so like the keeper of Bethlehem's Inn, I find I have no room for them.  Instead, let my heart's door be ever open, ready to welcome the new born King.  Let me offer the best I have to Him who gives me everything.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013


MERRY CHRISTMAS and I hope Santa got this letter......I do have so much and know there are many out there who need homes, jobs, health, family and the list is long.  I have had a wonderful Christmas thanks to my wonderful family, I really got spoiled...  I got to Skype  with Richie in Mexico and say a few words and hear from Alex in Brazil.....Te amo and I miss you too Grammie.....YES!  The Cooks took me to Little America for dinner last night and we drove around and looked at the beautiful lights on Temple Square......The Christmas story and scriptures ended our evening.  Many presents and talking to Richie this morning was great. 
I see so many changes in my family this year.  Two boys far away on missions, Nicci missing.  Pam and Rob spending their first Christmas night alone since Tiff was born.  My sister packing to move to Mesquite closer to her daughter and one of her sons......she has been in Winslow since she got married many years ago.......this is her last Christmas there with many old friends and traditions changing.  Her daughter Kristi born and raised in Winslow moved to St. George.  There is one thing in life we can be guaranteed of and that is CHANGE!  I am going to saver the rest of the day and then start getting ready for 2014!!!!!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013


Well, the TV reports Santa is somewhere over Korea now on his way to Salt Lake tonight????? It is over cast with 36 degree predicted.  The rain is ruining the pretty snow we have had around all week, but  it is what it is.......Rob called from work and ask me to wrap a few presents for Pam that he had stashed downstairs.......I delivered my neighborhood gifts yesterday......I wrapped my last gift yesterday and feel guilty I didn't mail one Christmas Card.....maybe next year.  We did get some great news......ALEX IS BEING RELEASED MARCH 4th!!!!! He will be home next Christmas, but Brayden will be gone and Richie will miss one more Christmas. They leave 19 year old boys and come home 21 year old men! I love it.
As I think about the past year......when looking behind I am filled with gratitude.  Looking forward I am filled with vision (Learning to use my new Ipad) Looking upward I am filled with strength.  Looking within I discover I am at peace.  I am not going to let Obama ruin my life......even though he is destroying our country.  Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas Eve.

Monday, December 23, 2013


I love this time of the year with all the stories of how people reach out to others in need.  One of Walmart for stocking stuffers to beat the crowd!  Leslie called and her garage sale was so cold in Winslow what she didn't sell she gave away just to get it moved out......and gone.   She moves to Mesquite a week from tomorrow......Karrie called and was working on her neighbors gifts .......my chore for the day.  And today is missionary email day.....love it.
my favorite thoughts is "I can't do everything for everyone in need but I can do one thing and they can do one thing etc"  That is all it would take to make this a better world for everyone......just do one nice thing today and ask them to pass it on.  Tomorrow is Christmas Eve.......and the magic night for kids......big and little......I am seeing signs of caring everywhere and it warms my heart.  Sherrie called and had been up since six and off to
Have you ever wondered why the person expounding an unchangeable view seems to believe he or she is the only one allowed an opinion of their own?  They expect everyone else to quietly agree and shut up and not express their views! I hate this .....it is a free country and right or wrong......my view is just as important to me as theirs is to them.
Well, off for a very busy day of fun stuff!

Sunday, December 22, 2013


This is a cartoon but getting so real now days.......no matter what you say or do someone screws it into a problem......ho ho ho!  Two days and counting till the man in red comes......did my last shopping today.  Then off to a movie with the Panniers.  Kar and Rich ran by to pick up a movie and say hi.  It is the day I write my two missionaries and wish them MERRY CHRISTMAS'.
"When I was a child, I spake as a child; I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things....1 Corinthians 13:11.
Big boys just have bigger toys........most guys will admit when they are young they thumb through the toy catalogs wanting and dreaming of all the toys available....Then they become men and find they still want lots of toys only now they become very expensive.......Steros, Walkmans, Cell phones, Big desktop computers, Little tablet computers, Ipads, Iphones and cable TV.......of course they use the excuse these things are necessary for work......but what about the 4-wheelers, razors, snowmobiles, guns and boats?  I think they fall into the category of "big boy toys."  I wonder what my big boys are asking Santa for this year?

Saturday, December 21, 2013


Boy am I glad we had our big family party last night before Santa really found out if we had been good or bad!  My early Christmas was wonderful a new IPAD, clothes and more fun goodies.  I feel our party was a big success.....Santa arrived with his bag of gifts....PLUS the Grinch who tried to steel our presents.  My two cute grandsons Kennedy and Brayden made us all laugh.  Two fun games  and wonderful dinner that everyone brought something good and presents by the dozens.  We talked to Nicci by Skype and our hearts and thoughts were with our two missionaries far, far away......We had a total of 15......a house full.  I thought after all the kids grew up we would lose some of the excitement but the older they get it seems the more fun we have!  Maybe because the adults are now all  in their second-childhood????  It took me a week to get all the dishes, chairs and table ready so guess it will probably take me that long to put them all away.....oh well nothing else to do I guess.  It is snowing again today and the kids said it was best I stay off the slick roads.......home for 3 days in row....WOW!   Christensen's are having that side of the family party today also, the Panniers are doing a family party tonight on the Pannier side.  Well, I am chalking up another successful party with my loving family.

Friday, December 20, 2013


Well, my Merry Christmas starts today with the family going "thru the woods and over the hills to Granma's Condo we go!"........We are missing our two missionaries, Richie and Alex and Nicci and Bill.  But, it is what it is and there will be plenty of fun  and games, food and presents.....LOVE to fill my little condo.  We are thoroughly covered with snow everywhere because of the humongous ice and snow storm yesterday .It is cold also. This is like my winters growing up in Colorado, but it adds so much to holidays that they don't have in Arizona.  We plowed through deep snow to find the perfect Christmas tree to cut down......which each kid liked a different one and when my father got to freezing he cut down the one closest to the car!......and we loved it.  We didn't have fancy decorations and lights but it was beautiful to us anyway.  Not many presents and the few that were there had been unwrapped and rewrapped, pinched, shaken, etc. until we pretty well knew what was in each one.  My folks took us to the big town of Durango to do "our" shopping.  Dad gave each child a little money and we went to the Woolsworth Store, a step up from the dollar store....where we snuck around buying presents for everyone.......this was a special memory I will always cherish.  Then we went to a Chinese restaurant to eat afterwards which was a treat because we never had nice places in Mancos to eat.  As we got older there was the BIG Christmas Eve dance ......and you could wear your new outfit.  Oh yes those were great Christmases growing up in a wonderful family.......and I feel very lucky and thankful for those good memories.
Well, moving on to finish up the dozen details and be ready for my families tonight.

Thursday, December 19, 2013


HEY.....nobodys perfect!  I am sure Santa got back in his sleigh and finished his rounds.....but hopefully learned a lesson.  Well, this time next week the big day will be over and we will all be eating leftovers in a messy house, but hopefully well and happy......The predicted ice storm hit us about 7:00 and now has turned into a full blown snow storm.....today is cook and set the table day at my house......all tucked in warm and cozy.  Last night Tiff and Scott brought the cooked turkey over......we only have to stick it in the oven an hour before so that helped with my one oven.......I only use at Christmas. 
How many grandma's have granddaughters who want to borrow her clothes?????  As I remember back to the good ole days when I was growing up and my grandmother lived up the street........I probably would have dropped out of life if anyone even suggested I borrow some of my grandmother's clothes!   Well, I think it is such a honor that two of my grand daughters both ask to borrow mine.  A few days ago Annie wanted to borrow one of my Christmas Sweaters........she had borrowed it once before.  She had a YMAD Christmas party where they were suppose to wear Christmas stuff, I understand she also wore it to school today.  Then last night my oldest granddaughter Tiffany ask if she could borrow a Christmas sweater.......YES!  See, it pays to keep your old clothes  and especially your "ugly Christmas Sweaters".......that are popular again.  I am very honored and happy to share.
Well, it's time to get busy doing my least favorite thing......cooking and get ready for our big party tomorrow night.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Just one picture like this and the Christmas Spirit just blooms in my heart.  This is so what I always visioned Santa and the Reindeer really looked like.  I love some of the more modern pictures but this is a classic.  I really had the Christmas Spirit today until I went in and had a mammogram, I am thankful for them but really should schedule them after the holidays. Ouch!!!!!  Two days before our family Christmas Party......all my sweet family are contributing so things are looking good.  Sherrie and Annie in charge of games, Kennedy in charge of being Santa and the present bag, I have my story.....big dinner and lots of presents and pictures and love and games.....maybe I  have the Christmas Spirit after and suppose to warm up and snow again.
"Sometimes it's the things that are all around us that are hardest to see, especially love.  Like dust particles suspended in a ray of sunshine, love remains invisible to us until it is illuminated.  When our hearts can't see clearly, love creates a Tyndall effect of its own, helping us to shine a light on what is always there, even in
our darkest times."

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Well, I am going to make the most of my last week before Christmas.  I love Christmas......so many emotions are filing through me.  Happy for the many happy Christmases but sad for the people I am missing at this time of year......Mom, Dad, both sisters......etc.  I love buying fun things for the kids and grown-ups, neighbors and friends.  "I can't do something for everyone, but, everyone can do something for someone".  (Ronald Regan)   In my past life????? Don and I had friends whose names were SCHMIDT......and every year this cartoon came up.  Love it! I want to finish Annie's quilt today and run over to my cousin and deliver her Christmas present.  This Christmas is hard on my roommates who live in the basement as Rob loves to decorate outside and Pam decorate inside......next year in their brand new home will be very special.
"MISSED OPPORTUNITY........We don't miss what we never had, but we miss terribly things we almost had.  and we miss things we used to have most of all.  Though we hope and pray for our relationships, our looks, and our lives to improve, having more also mean having more to lose."

Monday, December 16, 2013


 Hey, when you have a tall, new white shinny toilet......sometimes you can't help yourself!  I do intend to put a big red ribbon on my new toilet and welcome it to my home......time is ticking away, nine days left to do your Christmas shoplifting!  I have found the secret to avoiding the crowds do it early in the morning, Sunday is the best day.  I am down to doing the fun things now.  Finished sprucing up my bathroom and love it.  Just have Annie's quilt to put together, get some neighborhood gifts wrapped and get ready for dinner Friday night for the family here.  Leslie called and had taken a load of things up to her new place in Mesquite this weekend.  She is getting anxious to get it over with and felt bad that Kevin and Tammy had not bothered to help pack at all. Talked to Mike he is going down on the Christmas break and help her move in.......kids need to help......she has always helped them in everything they did.
We like to think there are some things we would never do.  Standards that we set to guide us through even the most difficult circumstances.  Depending on what is at stake, however, we may find ourselves thinking and acting in ways we cold never have imagined.  It's easy to draw a line in the sand, but sometimes it's hard to find that line when the wind begins to blow.   I hope this Christmas time will find everyone reaching out to those in need......starting with your own family ......and help whenever or however you can.

Friday, December 13, 2013

CHAPTER #22.....around the world....

I remember the ship pulling up to this island.  The first view of the white homes stacked up the hill with the wind mills lining the ridge like soldiers on parade......so picturesque!  After Nadine and I had wandered up and down the many narrow, winding street and hit most the shops we found a seat at the side walk cafe on the bay to catch our breath.  We ordered Ouzo ..... a Greek drink.......which tastes like liquorish and not my favorite and was surprised to see the star of Mykonos, named Petros .....a pelican.....the town's mascot who was blown in on a storm and decided to stay. A good choice.  Petros strolls among the tables making friends with all the tourist.  That first view of the island, all those white buildings clustered around the beautiful harbor and glistening in the bright sun shine with a background of windmills is a picture that will always be in my mind.


I'm safe in my house, I don't, never did or never will be singing in the shower?  I don't sing anywhere......hum maybe......not sing. Met with my bridge club for Christmas luncheon today and it is always a catch up on our latest aches and pains.  I use to be the oldest one in the group but we have a new member Bev Capson who is 88.....that's pretty old, but she can outdo most of us.
What comes to mind when you think about getting older?  Wrinkles, menopause, and the benefits of an eighteen-hour bra?  Or wisdom, experience, and freedom from the pressure to be fashion forward?  The kind of woman you'll grow up and grow old to be depends a lot on the attitude you bring to each season of your life.  God says He numbers our days.  We don't know why some die young and others live to celebrate the century mark.  What we do know is that getting older is a privilege.  Each new day and every season is a gift.  Accept them with open arms and never forget to laugh.
I love the Christmas decorations and the holiday lights.  Our family party is a week from tonight......I will be ready I hope.
Panniers went to Island Park.  Pam painted the bathroom yesterday and it looks so nice.  With that new high toilet I may start charging to use it!!!!! Not really.  Still freezing cold.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Chapter #21......around the world

MOROCCO......many movies have been made there or about there.  It was always a mysterious, exciting sounding place.  Well, I can say it is everything you might think it is.  Ann and I flew into MADRID, stayed a couple of days and took the train down to TORREMOLINUS and took a 10 day tour of Morocco on a double-decker bus.  It was wonderful to be able to stop at small markets, see the desert and the many herds of sheep, goats and camels.
Such an interesting land Morocco lies across the straight of Gibraltar on the Mediterranean.  Morocco has been the home of the Berbers since the second Millennium BC. The Arabs invaded Circa in 685 bring Islam to the nation.  When it came under the control of the Sherif dynasty.....decedents from the prophet MOHAMMAD and rules Morocco today.  I loved the mixed of people we mingled with in the bazaars and the fantastic cultures.  We sat on the cushions at the low tables, ate with our hands, not recognizing much of what we ate.  The music was catching.  We went to the bar in Casablanca that Clark Gable made famous in the movie "Casablanca".  We traveled  to Tangiers, Casablanca, Agadir, Rabat, Marrakech, Fez and many small villages along the way.   I loved the souks and the snake charmers in the market.


No, I'm not famous or powerful or influential.........not really powerful. But I have the power of one! One kind word.  One caring act. One understanding glance.  One warm smile.  One bit of advice.  Just one can turn some one's day, week or even life around.  Especially when it's coming from me!   Just one person can make a difference.  Maybe somewhere, somehow I already have.  I really would like to think so.  Wouldn't it be wonderful if everyone did just One little something good to comfort someone in need.  This is such a good time of year to step out and stand out.  So I commit to try and smile or hold a door or carry a bag or give a compliment at least once a day till Christmas.....and maybe it will become a good habit.
"Trying on shoes at the mall can be a fun way to spend the afternoon.   Putting yourself in someone Else's shoes is usually much less pleasant. What's it like to be an unwed mother, a cancer patient, a homeless teen or a child on the other side of the world who goes to bed hungry every night?
In the same way an ill-fitting shoe can hurt your toes, trying on someone Else's struggles can hurt your heart.  That's what compassion does.  It empathizes with the difficulties of others so closely that we take on their burdens as if they were our own.  Even though empathizing with the struggles of others can make us more grateful for the blessings we enjoy in our own lives,  God's goal isn't for us to feel downcast about their situation.  God's gift of compassion is designed to spur us into action. Do what you can and pray for them."

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Spring has sprung, Fall has fell, Winter has come and it's colder than H----!  I thought this little poem I saw on Facebook kinda says it all.......Short and Sweet.  The cold front is over much of the U.S. and has been hanging on about a week now.......with no end in sight.  But it is winter and Christmas is a couple of weeks off so I guess it is the season.  Use to love it when I skied, but those days are over and the cold hurts my arthritis.
As the new year approaches we start thinking about how to be better and move on.  An unresolved past never really goes away until you find the courage to revisit all the pain and accept that there's nothing you can do to change the past.  What's happened has happened and what's done is done! No time for "what ifs" Which is part of human nature.
I am not what happened to me......I am what I choose to become.  Suck it up cupcake and have a nice COLD Tuesday.

Monday, December 9, 2013


I can only imagine how proud my Mother would have been to see her grandson Mike Ramsey in the 'Savior of The World", with his wife Andrea and her two boys, Jake and Matt..  This is his 11th year preforming in it and his own sons have done it in the past.  The LDS Church puts it on every year down town  in the assembly hall. I have seen it twice and it sets the mood for Christmas if you follow it up with the beautiful lights of Temple Square.  This year the below zero temperatures have discouraged me!
Christmas is two weeks away and I think every ones promise to their children should be ....."your not responsible for my Merry Christmas".  Yes we want them all home with us every year, but they grow up and have lives of their own and we need to honor that.  I have two sweet grandsons, that I miss so much, far, far away on missions.  And my newly married Nicci wanted to spend her first Christmas in her new home with her husband.  I can understand that, and my sweet daughters are trying to understand it too!  Yes, we will miss them and should make it clear to them that no matter when they show up, it's going to be a holiday in this joint.......  Every day of the year!
Last night was a fun dinner with the Panniers and we celebrated Will's 23rd Birthday.  Today I braved the cold and the crowds and went shopping.  Bought paint for the bathroom, several last minute gifts and some groceries.  The rest of the week looks very busy

Friday, December 6, 2013


 Why am I so happy?  Studies show that gratitude is a major happiness booster!  I am so grateful for the people in my family who have drug me screaming into the 21st century.  If it weren't for these wonderful people  I would still not be using my new vocabulary. I have even learned to spell 4 and U with one stroke....who needs four letters for------four or you? LOL......laugh out loud, LMAO laugh my a-- off! ASAP----as soon as possible.  Hey there is a whole new language out there.  I felt I had it made when I learned to talk Pig-Latin in school......but that was probably in the olden days. Up load, down load, screen, mouse, mouse pad, hard drive, reboot etc. etc., etc........the kids use these words a lot different way than I did growing up.
Yes, I am as happy now days as I have ever been.  I only have good friends and happy to hang out with.  Went to a fun place for dinner tonight with the Cooks......BRIO.  Annie had a date and poor little Scottie was out camping with the scouts in this 10 below weather......come on now grown men should know better.  A sad day in the world today MANDELA died at 95...a good example for many.  In prison 27 years, president of Africa, brought blacks and whites together. He will be missed.
'Delight thyself in the lord, and he will give you the desisres of your heart"  Delight in the Lord---in goodness, kindness, compassion, love----and see what happens.

Thursday, December 5, 2013


WOW......my first grandson is having another birthday.  William is 23!  I have had 23 wonderful years of lovin' and spoilin' him.  Not having any boys myself, William was a first for our family.....(.however I did have a little brother when I was 14, but left for college at 18 and hardly got to know him).....but I have lots of fun memories with this cute guy.  I watched him swim, play Socorro, and foot ball. Met his fraternity brothers and girl friends.......and the new love of his life Aspen, his dog.  I was so proud to see him graduate from college in just four years.  He's my man, Happy Birthday Will.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Chapter #20......around the world

What a wonderful adventure.....Ann and I flew into Siem Reep----capital of Cambodia.  We had a very nice local hotel and the weather was soooo hot.  Two musts on our list, the ruins and a boat trip on the lake to see how many of the locals live and make a living fishing.  It is like Hong Kong, with one boat a school, one boat a church, one boat a store with homes clustered around.....They were ever bit as happy as the Astors in their Mansions!  Our tour guide bought us a two day pass to Angkor Wat....we had our pictures taken and wore a name tag around our neck with these.  I could have spent weeks there, people were riding elephants and the shopping was fun. The buildings with huge trees growing in--out--and over the ruins, their roots grotesquely hugging the ruins are so fascinating.  Quiet and shy monks in their garments of orange wander ideally about, they add the perfect feel and are the perfect setting for our trip to these magnificent ruins.
Someone wrote " One of these temples a rival to that of Solomon, and erected by some ancient Michelangelo might take an honorable place beside our most beautiful buildings.  It is grander than anything left us by the Greek or Romans."
A Portuguese monk in 1586 said that it "is of such extraordinary construction that is  not possible to describe it with a pen."  AMEN
Betty you are one of the luckiest people in the world......."Yes, I am"".
Angkor Wat was first a Hindu, then subsequently, a Buddhist temple complex in Cambodia and the largest religious monument in the world.  The Temple was built by the Khmer King Suryavaman II in the early 12th century.  The Temple still used is the symbol of the country.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


 Welcome to December......I just can't deny it .......a fresh snow is beautiful, especially when it has waited until the 3rd of December to arrive.  November was a beautiful month, every day in the 50's......I think it spoiled us! So now we move on into winter and the Holidays. All the lights are up in the Condo area, my house is decorated out side.....thanks to Rob..... and Pam brought my Christmas Trees up yesterday, so I'm starting to get in the mood.  Maybe it all started two weeks or more ago when all the stores had their Christmas stuff out and were playing Christmas music. Through the years I have loved the four seasons in my native Colorado and Utah where I have spent most of my life......but, as I get older and I do not enjoy the cold, snow and ice much.
Talked to the twins, Karrie has more snow that I do and Sherrie said there isn't any in Vernal.   Talked to Leslie and she said Winslow was cold and windy and they expected some bad weather.  She is busy packing and getting ready to move the first of the year.  Had a fun coffee at Toby's yesterday and we think it would be fun to start having them regularly.  Well need to wrap some Xmas and Birthday presents, start Andrea's quilt and get out the tree decorations so not going out in the storm today.