Sunday, June 30, 2013


Think about this......Three things in life that, once gone, never come back!
First Time....."Today is the beginning of a new day, God has given me this day to use as I will.  I can waste it or use it well.  BUT, what I do with this day is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it.  Tomorrow this day will be gone forever.....leaving in it's place what I traded it for.  I want it to be a win, not a loss, good not evil, a success not a failure, in order that I will never regret the price I paid of this day." No you can never go back and reclaim your wasted time.
Second Words......"Remember when your arguing with a fool......he is doing the same thing!" "If you can't say something nice.....don't say anything at all" is very good advice. Words can hurt more than blows and untrue words can ruin a person's life.
Third Opportunity....."You never get a second chance to make a first impression", Never look back and say, 'I had the opportunity to go, see or do, but I didn't take it......and be sorry forever about missing it.  I will think about these more carefully now.
HOT,HOT, HOT......we are really having a heat wave across the west and breaking all kinds of records.  Yesterday Phoenix was 119 yesterday.....can you believe that?

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Shamed of our President......

Here we go again......seems no matter where the president goes we find out how un-popular he is......He and his family are off on a very expensive vacation to Africa and in Soweto, South Africa  he was faced with demonstrators against his visit on June 29, 2013. Their complaint as follows: "Our rejection is based on the USA's arrogant, selfish and oppressive foreign policies and treatment of workers and international trade relations that are rooted in war mongering, new-liberal super exploitation, colonial racism and the disregard and destruction of the environment, thus making the realization of a just and peaceful world impossible". The demonstrators chanted "NO-BAMA"  Nelson Mandel (94) is in the hospital and he was advised not to disturb he didn't like anyone saying NO  to him.
Had a very successful garage sale at the Cook's today.......thanks to many friends contributing.......Andrea has to earn the money for her trip to India next spring with YMAD. Youth Make a Difference.  They paint schools, teach children English and help out wherever they can, it is.....but it isn't a 2 1/2 week vacation.  I hope she gets to ride an elephant......that was one of the highlights of my trip to India.  Sooooooo hot!!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Forcast 101 degrees today.....

Yes......there is always a way! I just watched a Utube video a friend sent me about a man with no arms or legs and just one foot that flapped.....He is an inspirational speaker and had school kids and prison inmates crying and hugging him when he was through......and me!  Were we sorry for him or for ourselves for feeling sorry for ourselves you can walk and do everything with our arms and hands and still complain?????
So much confusion in the world....all the fighting over immigration.  I don't know the answer to the questions out there and it seems no one else does.  Let the Mexicans that have been here become legalized and finish raising their families and pay their taxes.  Let the same sex people go through a ceremony if it makes them happy, but the bible and the constitution does not make what we have done in our world change for a few to feel EQUAL!  Bottom line thousands of children now being raised by same-sex couples feel humiliated.  The law in question makes it even more difficult for the children to understand the integrity and closeness of their own family and its concord with other families in their community and in their daily lives. They have good homes and loving people raising them BUT?
In Utah there is a campaign now called "It's OK To Plan Small Families"   Strange when this campaign is in the nation's most fertile state.....the big family capital! Utah's population nearly doubled over the past three decades, passing 2.8 million in 2012.  It is consistently one of the fastest-growing states in the nation, in part because of high fertility. The world is certainly changing and very fast......BUT THERE IS ALWAYS A WAY.....HAVE FAITH!

Thursday, June 27, 2013


They say you talk about what you know best most the time and I know "getting older".  I am so happy I have Maxine and Auntie Acid who relates so well with me! As the days, weeks and years slip by I realize the truth of; "The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; They just make the most of everything they have." I am slower and hurt in the morning BUT....I can still identify everyone (almost) in the photo album......I dread the time when I'll never be alone in bathroom again......I think each year you live most of your enemies are one questions you if you take a sick day......Lying about my age is easier now that I sometimes forget what it is......Don't worry about life time guarantees on things I buy ......and the list is long on the money I am saving on water skis, running shoes, tampons, sexy underwear, birth control pills, booster shots, orthodontia, home pregnancy tests etc.  You learn things like Divorce is the future tense of marriage????? If "plan A" fails, remember that the alphabet has, 25 more letters.......and Mother Teresa said, "You are not required to succeed, y6ur only required to try."
My lawn  is dying, so off to Home Depot to get some help!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Thanks to the help of my sweet Cook family, my house is clean for a few days.......I had the bridge group here for lunch today and am always happy for the help to get the house in least temporary.  Friday have the Domino group for lunch so love having a clean know the cob-webs, wipe down the cupboards, and the corners you ignore most the time. Busy cleaning and shopping Monday, then more shopping Tuesday morning.  Sherrie and Ken came to town and picked up Scottie so off to the pool for a couple of hours.  While Sherrie had her hair done I took the boys to a movie then met Sherrie and Karrie for dinner before Sherrie headed back to Vernal and I rushed home to get ready for bridge!....Boy was I tired last night! Had a nice lunch and game of bridge and tomorrow off to help Karrie get ready for the garage sale Saturday. Being busy is good.
Watching a wonderful program on how the world works......all the information has come from the satellites we put out in the sky, but half of them may run out of fuel and burn up soon......and then how do we follow the weather so accurately? Will Obama do anything to improve our situation.......I doubt it.
"Maybe through it all, you already knew that this moment is all we have."
Panniers just bought a lot to build a new house on, very exciting.  Sherrie and Darren just bought a bigger house boat on Lake Powell.....been a busy weekend for my family.  I am clinging to every minute of JUNE it is one of my favorite months and it is almost gone....forever..........

Sunday, June 23, 2013


A beautiful Sunday morning.......The three dogs and I enjoyed the morning paper and coffee on the patio.  Marley and Izzey spent the weekend with me while the Cooks enjoyed a weekend in Bear Lake.  Also Sunday is my day to email my missionaries, the weeks just fly by.  Having bridge here Wednesday and the Domino group here on it is time to clean house and get my social life in another busy week looms ahead putting a little stress in my life.
"REFRAME IT" what I learned in NLP! When a delay makes you anxious, just reframe it by asking...."What's interesting around me?" 'When you are trying to fit a week's worth of to-do's into a few hours, a traffic jam or long line in a store, seems something less than a disaster to you.  To transform your mind-set and dial down tension, ask, "What's interesting around me?" In our hurry-up society, we often don't take the time to stop and experience what's around us Now if we are in a line shopping in Walmart.........seeing something strange, new or different around us isn't a problem!!!. Even a few laughs are possible with their clientele. Turn your aggravations into opportunities to find peace and joy in your present surroundings. When in traffic, read the stickers and license plates and get a chuckle or discover a new little coffee shop or new bakery you hadn't seen the many times you drove by this spot before in your hurried life.  Refraining is so easy...... other ideas; When rudeness aggravates you....ask "Is this funny yet?" When an intrusion make you angry ask, "How much of my day is this affecting?" When a nervous habit irritates you like nail biting, gum snapping or pen clicking, ask "Is there something I can do to relieve that person's stress?" When boredom make you restless ask, "How can I be of service? Make a phone call to a lonesome person, make some cookies for a neighbor....good deeds trigger positive interaction that keep your mind active." Refraining has become a lot of fun in my life.

Saturday, June 22, 2013


Last night and tonight is this wonderful sight!  The Solstice Full Moon!! Yesterday being the longest day of the year......darnit. I love these long warm days of summer and from my patio enjoy the evenings and starry nights.  We are so lucky, God never quits giving us these beautiful things to enjoy and he never charges us for them.  'Stop and smell the roses'......Oh yes......they are all blooming so beautifully in our units here.
This statement is so hard for me to understand......and yet......looking back in my life I see the reason for most things that happened to me and they were for the best in the end.  BUT, reading today of a small craft running into a house boat on Lake Powell where one was killed and two girls are still lost in the lake.....I wonder, what was the reason for this? I am sure I will never know the answer to this question of WHY, and will just have to trust that God has the answer.  My Christenson family is in Lake Powell this weekend and I always pray they will be safe......and enjoy that beautiful moon.
On my "I didn't know that" list I read today. The largest meteorite crater in the world is in Winslow, Arizona.  It is 4,150 feet across and 150 feet deep! ........and I have seen it. The largest in the!

Friday, June 21, 2013


Happy birthday to Robbie, last year he qualified to order off the Senior Citizen Menu at I didn't even mention that to him today.  Rob can make a party wherever he is and has been so good to me for 34 years. I thank him for loving my oldest daughter and being a good father to my first 3 grandchildren.  He has turned into my fishing champion, and loves his new cabin in Idaho.  I hope he has many more birthdays. The tradition of my giving him a new pair of white NIKI tennis shoes for his birthday and for Christmas started many years ago , makes gift buying for him easy. Here's hoping you have many more birthdays Robbie.....
Got home from Vernal at 9;15 this morning, beautiful drive down the back roads.  Christensons off to Lake Powell to look at a new house boat, they flew their airplane down from here. Karrie brought Marley and Izzy over for the weekend while they go to Bear Lake for a couple of days  Life has been very busy lately.  Also today is the longest day of the year....solstice and the people in England at Stonehedge are celebrating!  Full moon tonight......

Thursday, June 20, 2013


Another beautiful day on the farm.  Water wheels going everywhere, new mown hay smelling so good, no wind today and the lake looks like glass.  I even saw a deer in the field in back.  Oh yes, and a few strange looking things that live in the meadows in back are kinda interesting.  Sherrie and I hopped in her little red Mercedes convertible and headed off to Walmart to shop......where else......?  Darren off to girls camp to cook dinner with the bishopric tonight and I am just hanging out with Ken and the dogs.  The kids are flying down to Lake Powell tomorrow to look at another house boat and ask me to go.......but I had a good excuse......I promised Karrie I would tend her two dogs while they go to Bear Lake for the weekend.  Darren is determined I am going to get in his airplane one of these days.......I might!
Going to meet Brayden for lunch and buy some chicken feed this afternoon. Busy, busy.  Home tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Happy Birthday to my first grandchild, Tiffany Pannier Horton.  I love this picture taken two and a half years ago.  Time does fly and especially when I remember all the good times we have had through the years and how excited I was when she made me a grandma for the first time.  She has been my first in many things ........first to graduate from high school, from college, to get married......I wonder if she will be the first to make me a great-grandma?  Time will tell. Any way, here's wishing her many years of health and happiness and lots more birthdays.
Enjoying another fun day on the farm.  The boys got up early and are off to mow at the apartments.  Sherrie and Darren will be home tonight  and I will go home tomorrow.  Nice little break and I am enjoying it.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


TUACAHN Amphitheater is quite unique set back in the red rocks outside St. George, Utah.  My sister, Joan, lived in St. George and I remember when it was first built her son Ryan got some small parts in the plays presented.  Joan was very proud and excited about it. NOW she is gone and Ryan has become quite a big part of Tuacahn.  Last Friday night Karrie and I went down and took in "Mary Poppins".......and reading the behind the scenes 'who is who' discovered the following note on Ryan Norton! (Associate Director, Starlight Express/Associate producer)is in his fourth year as a full time Associate Producer for Tuacahn's Broadway in the Desert productions. He is extremely honored and thrilled  to be on board as the Associate Director of Starlight Express this season. Another first this year, Ryan will make his Tuacahn's and regional directorial debut with Tuacahn's  premiere of Disney's MULAN.  Besides producing, he served as the Assistant Director on Aladdin, The Little Mermaid and Tarzan.  He has also preformed at Tuacahn in several production including the original cast of the musical UTAH. His directing credits include; Oliver, Seussical the Musical,  and Disney's High School Musical, Disney's Beauty and the Beast and Spitefire Grill.  I know Joan is looking down from above and lovin' every minute of his success.
I also have another nephew who is following this same path, Chase Ramsey.  The family has sorta lost track of Ryan and glad to see he is doing so well in what he loved.


Well, here I am in Vernal on the farm for a couple of days.  Sherrie thinks I am tending her boys, but truth is her boys are tending their 81 year old grandmother.......we just won't tell her that. She left Kennedy a list of "to do's" today; Water front flowers, Water garden, Water horses, Water/feed/get eggs-chickens, Take out the garbage, feed and water dogs, feed and water cat in barn, empty clean dishes dish washer and water all the trees .....even around the barn.  With a list like that every day you can't remember how old you are. We did about half the list this morning while it was cool and now I am on a coffee break???? I guess I will quit asking Sherrie ......."so what did you do today?" long as she is out here I will know! Thank goodness for three boys who have really learned how to work! Most city kids don't have all these experiences. It really is beautiful here, all the sprinklers going on the fields in back and the lake is up and so pretty.  Out front they are hauling in the big bales of fresh hay.  It does bring back many fond memories of the years I spent on the farm growing up in Colorado.  This a wonderful place to raise three boys Enjoyed dinner at their cabin in Park City last night before we drove to Vernal, it has always been one of my favorite places. The boys spent the day with me in Salt Lake and swam at the condo pool so had a fun day with Scottie......cousins are your best friends!  So I am remembering only that I was young once and lived on a ranch, where wonderful memories were made. 

Monday, June 17, 2013


Wisdom is not having a tattoo at any age......! Monday and I am on standby for today's emails from my two far away.  Also will be off to Vernal for a few days to baby-sit the kids and the farm.  Had a nice weekend with Father's Day, The Christenson's 23rd wedding anniversary and my trip to St. George. Each day gives us a little more wisdom in life.
None of us feels great when we make a mistake.  However small, it can aggravate us to no end.  But mistakes can also be gifts, doorways to learning, growth, and wisdom.  When you open your mind to what mistakes can represent, you can stop punishing yourself and learn to grow.  For the next few minutes, think of the last mistake you made.  The greatest lessons in life often originate from a place of failure.  Mistakes can be excellent teachers who guide you along a bumpy road to a place of understanding.  The next time you make an error, give yourself permission to be open to the valuable lesson that will improve your life.....and realize as you age, so does your tattoo.

Sunday, June 16, 2013


On this Father's Day my heart is full of love for my wonderful Father.  He was tall, dark and handsome.  He was quiet and reserved and treated Mother and his four daughters.......well all women......with respect, and expected others to do the same.  He expected the best from you and you tried hard never to disappoint him.  He was always there for me and no matter how old I got it was wonderful to be in his arms knowing he loved me and was proud of me. The only time I remember him getting cross was when......having four girls who always fought whose turn it was to do the dishes after dinner each night......he didn't think there should be a problem.  Everyone loved dad.....DICK YEOMANS.  He worked hard, we weren't rich but, we never went hungry and had a loving warm home to grow up in.
I also thank my three son-in-laws for being good father's to my 9 grand-children.
Happy Father's Day to all.

Thursday, June 13, 2013


This is a picture of my second granddaughter.....Nicci Pannier!  SO why is she hanging with a police man in California at her Bachelorette party?  When I was taking writing lessons one of the writing suggestions was if you can't think of what to write about, take a favorite photo.....or any photo and tell a story of what you believe the picture is about! The famous words 'One picture is worth a thousand words" so holds true so many times. Nicci looks happy so the encounter probably wasn't too bad, maybe she parked in a no parking zone OR maybe this police man just heard there was a good party going on and stopped by to check it out OR maybe she just has a surprised look because she can't believe he is hauling her off to jail for being out past curfew OR maybe she just invited him to their party?  Being a proud grandma I think I will go for the last one, and I probably don't want to know what is really happening in the photo!  Cute picture........
Saw this cute saying on face book and think it applies to us all......"Listen up now.....Life holds many choices, With plenty of roads, And oodles of detours, Even piles of mistakes, But don't quit smiling......All totaled it makes the world interesting!" and it makes us who we are today.  Off to St George tomorrow and will take in Mary Poppins at the Touacon theater.  Then to Cedar City Saturday morning to Andrea's graduation ceremony from Girl's State Young Ambassadors (or something like that).....and bring her home.  I see where St. George was 103 degrees yesterday.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Had a fun night with my youngest grandson, Scottie.  I love having him over and we even jumped into the pool for a quick swim this morning before his mother picked him up.
Old pictures from history are starting to appear......even before my time, and I don't think they should be lost to the next generation. I intend to keep looking for them! Take a look at the picture of the head of the Statue of Liberty. For some reason I had in my mind this big statue on a boat being floated from France to the U.S.  Not so.....France shipped the statue in 350 individual pieces and packed in 214 crates.  They reassembled it on a new pedestal created by the U.S. in four months.  It was dedicated October 28, 1886.
The Statue of Liberty National Monument officially celebrated her 100th birthday on October 28, 1986.  The people of France gave the statue to the people of U.S. over 100 years ago in recognition of the friendship established during the American Revolution.  Over the years, the Statue of Liberty symbolism has grown to include freedom and democracy as well as this international friendship.
I have visited New York several times and seeing Miss Liberty is always a must. So many wonderful stories about her and the thrill of the people first sailing into America knew she meant freedom.  Pam and Rob climbed to the top up the many winding steps inside.  Yes, tell your kids about her.

Monday, June 10, 2013


Yea Monday.......I love Mondays because it is P-Day for my missionaries.  I can read what is new in their adventure of their new life.  I miss them a lot but I am so proud of them and so happy for the emails they send home each week.
Karrie is getting things ready for a garage in a couple of weeks and I am using it to get rid of more "stuff" around my house.  I am a collector and a saver......soooo I have been going through cupboards and closets that have not been touched forever.
I am getting rid of "MUDA"!  In Japanese, "muda" means "things that aren't necessary" as in "items that add no value to your life".  As you clear an area, pick up each item and ask yourself, "Do I need this to be happy?  "If  your not sure, box it away for a month; if you miss it, it'll be there waiting.  But if you no longer care for it or need it as you once did, consider donating it to a charity or giving it away.  Your load will be that much lighter, and you'll have more room for the thing you really love.......and when you go to the garage sale next Saturday you will have room for more "treasures!" Yep, I am saving William's college graduation announcement and Nicci's wedding note! WOW, you should see my house full of "MUDAS"........items that add no value to my life, but make me happy. I am thinking about that IN, one OUT, I said thinking about.  Andrea off to Cedar City for Young Ambassadors conference, Karrie and I will drive down this weekend for graduation and bring her home.

Sunday, June 9, 2013


I found this great picture on the face book this morning,,,,,Nicole and Tiffany look like they are enjoying their weekend together celebrating Nicci's up coming wedding. They both flew into California Friday along with the other bride maids. My first two grandchildren have grown up.  They are pretty and smart and doing very well in life.  All a grandmother could ask for.  Nicci lives and works in Minneapolis and I miss having her close by.  Tiff lives and works in Salt Lake so we get to do fun things together, after having her live with me for 5 1/2 years I feel she is really part mine. Tiffany is married to Scott and they have a big dog named Captain.  Nicci is marrying Bill and they have a dog named Oliver (Ollie). Spending a quiet weekend doing chores and enjoying summer finally. 

Saturday, June 8, 2013


"Let tomorrow wait it's turn....I am enjoy today."  I love Saturdays especially in the summer because of......garage sales.  I guess I inherited the love of old things and a 'good sale' from my mother.  I especially love too haggle even if I don't need a darn thing. I find more and more any day is a good day if I wake up and can get up.  I love Betty White's  attitude at 91.....maybe it's just the name Betty that has some magic......but in 10 years I would love to have her energy and attitude.  Betty says, "I'm blessed with good health; that's the bottom line.  A lot of people at 91 don't feel as good as I do.  I  have a two-story house and a very bad memory, so that's my exercise;  I keep going up and down the stairs because I forget things." Yep, that's me too.  Keep busy, just went to the Home Depot and bought six new perennials to put in the back my garden. "Some days I feel I have done it all, but there's no law against doing it again!"....well some of it.  The last guy that checked me out was the clerk at the grocery store......

Friday, June 7, 2013


About once a month two old neighbors and I get together at my house for a "therapy session". They came at 10:30 and left at 3; you know how much that would cost if we all were not so willing to tell the others how to improve what is going on in their lives for free?  Do we listen and take each other's advice.....hardly ever!
Yesterday I took my oldest granddaughter shopping for her birthday.....such a great time, then for pizza.  Like I said, life without grandchildren sure would be dull.  I am still waiting for great-grandchildren.....come on kids, I am 81?
Sherrie called this morning with her latest adventure.....she has started working in the office of their business, she collects, the rent for their apartments and helps put out the fires......or start them?  This guy was way back in rent and was suppose to come in by the 5th to talk to her....well he didn' she went to where he had moved in with a girl friend in another of their apartments..  He was not home and she found he illegally had a dog in one of their apartments.  He was not there so she took his little dog as a "hostage" get him to show up and settle the rent with her and remind him of the 'no dogs allowed' rule.  Seems the boss (her husband) could not believe what she had done.  My advice is, if you owe Sherrie rent, pay it, or you will find yourself in deep trouble......or minus your dog or maybe one of your kids!  Tomorrow garage sales and another weekend already.

Thursday, June 6, 2013


I truly feel sorry for women who go through life with out being called Grandma, Grammie, Gram, Needer or what ever!  Being "grandma Betty" is the crowing star of my life.  Last night I went to watch Scottie play Lacrosse in the all-stars game.  It was at Park City and they have a beautiful Lacrosse field and the evening was beautiful......but the best part grandson made the first goal and his team won!!!! Yes, I am a very proud grandmother and always "think" his talents came from my side of the family and his grandmother had a hand in making him such a great little guy (11).
Has this happened to you?  Just about the time you think you can make ends meet somebody moves the end!
No problem toss away your worries.....If negative thoughts are distracting you, simple write them down on a piece of paper, then throw it in a trash can.  Strange but true, research in the journal Psychological Science found this simple move helps clear your mind and sharpen your focus.  Think how important this thought can be to be who work with solving problems.......or in the many situations we encounter every day.
Meeting my first grandchild tonight to shop for her birthday present.....she has a birthday the 19th......that's when I first got to call myself ...."GRANDMA" you Tiffany.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


I look at this picture of my family having a good time and wonder what is in their future?  I found the following which makes you stop and think: "How incredible.  We have never seen populations disappear without a war or a plague, but that is exactly what 'post-familialism' is.....a kind of social plague"  This forecast by Joel Kotkin a demographer.  He says falling numbers of families and children are unleashing changes that threaten the security and prosperity of the world's economy. Declining fertility rates are triggering a host of problems, including rapid aging, smaller youth and working-age populations as people forgo marriage and start families---even a loss of shared purpose that glues societies together.
If we figure out how to nurture families, we can retain the very essence of our culture.  If we don't we are in for a very rough time.  You don't have to be a prophet to know that down the road, if we don['t recover the primacy of the family in the 21st century, not only are we in trouble, but the whole world is in trouble. The by-line of all this is Utah notes between 2010 and 2030, Utah's elderly population will more than double to more than half a million people. WOW!  Utah has the 6th fastest growing seniors population.  Will there be enough care centers for that many people? "Aging in Place" or staying in in our homes as long as possible is the dream of every old person!  Off to Park City to watch Scottie's Lacrosse game this afternoon.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


I am so proud of this graduate William Robert Pannier...... he graduated from the University of Utah........he did it in four years.  Also I am proud of my sisters three high school graduates ,Sarah, Tamrie and Kelly.  A message to them and all graduates...."You have the key to success.  It's not hard work or determination, though both are important.  It's not connections, either, though they're helpful.  And hope alone isn't enough.  The real magic?  Really believing you can do it, will do it, and deserve it.  And it's true; you can, you will, and you do!"
One step at a time is all it takes.  It can be any size and any speed, one step is enough to spark an unstoppable forward motion that will carry you toward what you want most in life.  Think back at your accomplishments.....they all began with a thought, then an action and on and on and soon success. Yes, every journey starts with a single step, and you can take it today.  Your dreams are waiting.  Got a busy month coming up, this week Scottie's game and shopping with my granddaughter, Friday school is out so the fun in the sun at the pool will begin.

Monday, June 3, 2013


Yes, I guess I came from the "Olden Days"...... but my kids and grand kids have no idea how far we have come since I was hatched in 1932;   Yes, check out how the bathing suits have changed!  I am not into carrying my own bags to shop so I am accused of not doing the "green thing"....The younger generation accuse my generation of not caring enough to save the environment for future generations!  HELLO.....our generation might not have had the "green thing" going but what this generation does not know is;  In my day we returned our glass milk bottles, soda bottles (could get a penny or two for them) and beer bottles to the store.  The store sent them back to the dairy or plant where they came from where they we were sterilized and refilled and used again!  We called it recycling. Brown paper bags were used for garbage bags or to cover school books.....keeping them nice to pass on from year to year.  We were taught reading, writing, and arithmetic. We had gym and developed good sportsmanship.  We used the stairs, we walked where we wanted to go and never jumped into a 300-horse powered machine to go 2 blocks saving gas and clean air......but no we didn't have a "green thing."  We washed our babies diapers......didn't throw them in the trash.  We dried our clothes on a line, not in an energy-gobbling machine burning up 220 volts.  The wind and solar power actually dried our clothes back then.  No closets full of clothing, we all went through the hand-me-down things until they were worn out. Back then one radio per TV.  In the kitchen we blended and stirred by electric machines to do everything for us.  To cut a lawn, you pushed the mower with man engines to burn up gas and leave fumes.  Thirsty? water in a glass from the faucet or hose, no fancy bottles of water to dispose of later.  We refilled our pens with ink, not buy new ones.  We put new razor blades in the razor, not throw it away.  Kids rode bikes or 24 hour taxi service from Mom's $45,000 SUV or Van.  One electrical outlet in each room.  We didn't need a computerized gadget to receive a signal beamed from satellites 23,000 miles out in space in order to find the nearest burger joint!  This generation doesn't have a clue that its own greed for "stuff" is using up the resources they so revere.  Young people know little about doing for themselves.....using ingenuity and resource fullness and just plain physical energy as we did.  BUT then...what can a thoughtless---"Ungreen" old person teach a tattooed, multiple pierced, iPod carrying smart-ass who can't give you back your change without something to calculate it for them?  No, I've got some of those green-bag things, but when you get old you forget a lot of things and I always forget to take them back to the store with I just say "suck it up cup-cake"....I am what I am.....Old. 

Sunday, June 2, 2013


No one likes change......and as you get older, it is even harder to accept.  BUT what if we had not embraced changes that come up almost daily.  We would still be using candles for light. horses for transportation, and hunting with bow and arrows.  On my Bucket List down a ways, is to drive the complete "Route 66" across the United States.  I was born in 1932.....The famous ROUTE 66 was completed and paved in 1938.  It was commissioned in 1926 as the first National Highway from Chicago to Los Angeles.  The roads and car have come a long ways since then......however, the Route 66 has not lost it's sense of adventure.  No matter how you want to cross the United States you can start in LA, California, on to Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri and Illinois.  This historic highway spans 2,400 miles, 3 time zones and eight states.
The story of this famous route is kept alive by the pride of the states and cities it has crossed.  I may move this up my Bucket List.....just need someone else who has it on their bucket list.  It seems rather interesting that I can say I have been around the world and on 6 of the 7 continents, but I have not driven the complete Route 66. The spirit of Route 66 in many ways reflects the spirit of America.  The road traverses thriving towns filled with "66" pride and forlorn communities dotted with empty buildings that once house some one's dreams. This highway seems to be beckoning me.....sample a hot dog on a stick at the Cozy Dog in Springfield Ill., see the world's largest rocking chair in Fanning, Mo., savor French silk pie at the Country Dove in Elk City, Ok, sleep in a concrete tepee t the 1950 Wigwam Motel in Holbrook, AZ, feed wild burros roaming the former gold mining town of Oatman, AZ, or browse curio shops in Tucumcari, NM, one of the route's best preserved towns. Historical markers dot the road, and more than 13 million people drive the route each year.  Maybe someday???

Saturday, June 1, 2013


Happy tourist does each state attract tourist to it's state?  That seems to be the big question for many now that June is here.  Poor Oklahoma got hit by another tornado, the second in the last 10 I know why they call that area "tornado alley." I have been to 48 of our 50 states, but Oklahoma and North Dakota are the other two I'm still aiming for.  Hope some of Oklahoma is still there when I got around to my visit. Each state tries to find something special or exciting to get people to visit.  Mount Rushmore was conceived in the early 1900's by the state historian Doane Robinson to draw tourists to South Dakota.  He wrote a noted sculptor, Gutzon Borglum and invited him to the Black Hills.  It was Borglum who picked the four presidents and granite expanse in 1925.  It took Borglum and hundred of workers 14 years and million of dollars to create the monument.  Each bust as tall as a six-story building.  The noses of each president is 20 feet long. In what direction do the presidents face?  They face southeast, gaining maximum exposure to the sun......lets see where should we carve ole' Brigham.....on Mt. Olympus, the Okras?  NO, our tourist attraction is the "Great Salt Lake".  Nature took care of our points of interest and the Great Salt Flats as a bonus! Every state loves having something to brag about.   (We don't have to prove it.....we are already great!) Great day for garage sales.....and to mail my bills!