Friday, March 1, 2013

YES THERE IS........

Yes there is a skinny woman somewhere in there.  I know because until I was about 60 or so I never had a weight it is an up hill battle with the pounds.  Today in the paper was this wonderful colorful add for Artic Circle for fish and chip or shrimp and fries with a dollar off coupon.  I made the mistake of putting it up where I can see it very plainly and somehow the Lean Cuisine or Atkins low calorie dinners are not calling as loudly as the thought of those fish and chips!!!! The people that make up the adds really know their stuff.......I will battle this all day and never tell which one won out, but you can probably just look at the outside and know. I know I need to take good care of myself at this age and found some good suggestions.  "If it's wrong, don't do it.....Say exactly what you mean.....Don't be a people pleaser......Trust your instincts......Never speak bad about yourself....never give up on your dreams.....don't be afraid to say "NO".....don't be afraid to say "YES" kind to yourself....let go of what you can't control......stay away from drama and negativity as much as possible. Be kind to yourself is in there somewhere and I'm not sure how long the add is good for?

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