Monday, March 11, 2013


A very long night, the two dogs I am tending barked and squeaked all night......seem they have been spoiled and want to sleep in your bed.....sorry not at my house!!!! But, this too will pass in a couple of days. 
I am surprised at how many of my single friends will not go out alone.  When questioned why....they make squeamish faces and say "I couldn't go out alone.  It wouldn't be any fun and what would people think?"  They seem to think there is a social stigma about being alone....(translated: we must be boring, desperate or nobody likes us.) Going out alone is a skill, an art that can be learned, shared and implemented.  I remember it being hard at first when I became a Stewardess.  I had to learn to pass my free time on lay-overs shopping, going to movies and eating alone.   This came in handy as years passed and my pilot husband was GONE AT LOT!  Then when I became a single person I was primed for it.  Now I walk into a restaurant and think....this place is really lucky to have me visit it????  So easy to say  with confidence "table for one", sometimes I pull out a book, note pad to make a list on etc.Why can't you enjoy a movie alone?  They don't allow you to talk to anyone through it, even tell you a dozen times to turn off your phone.  I go to many movies alone and love it.  I seems it is all in the Attitude, Confidence , Curiosity and Openness you possess.  I do not go to bars alone and I don't think I would like traveling alone, and I prefer walks alone.  I really like myself and found through the years you can do a lot of "sittin' home alone" if you don't do what you want, when you want and where you want.

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