Wednesday, March 13, 2013


"If you ask me what I came into this world to do....I will tell you I came to Live Out Loud.....(Emile Zoka)
No matter our age we wonder if we have accomplished anything worthwhile and whether it's to late to accomplish something new.
If the mold you have poured yourself into over the years no longer fits, smash out of it.  If you like those funky new fashions, brighter colors, new hobbies, new hair dos.....go for it. Your body can get old, but your mind doesn't have to.
"The Map Is Not The Territory."......When your 40-45 you don't stop and think, Wow, my life could be half over.  God gave us the power to live life to the fullest no matter the age.  Thank goodness his purposes and plans are not stamped "past expiration date" once we cross into the second half of life.  Think about this-----be positive and jump into learning or doing something new and fun.  I crochet, knit, make jewelry, practice Spanish, work sudoku, read my kindle, the list is long.
Results of growth in old age, discovering abilities, experiencing success, exploring fresh paths and challenge. Being a busy grandmother is the biggest joy in the world.

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