Sunday, March 3, 2013

EMBRACE THE DAY...........

Embrace the gotta try your luck at least once a day, because you could be going around lucky all day and not even know it!
I get up every morning and thank God for my family......starting with my wonderful parents.  A persons own family is, without a doubt, the greatest wealth that we will ever possess.  Treasure every moment and take the time to ensure that the story you create is one that you will be proud of and look back on with a huge smile and pride. What would I change about how I lived my life and raised my three girls.....nothing but maybe not having their father walk out on us......they are wonderful people, raising wonderful children and making their mark in the world.  I would love to still have my parents around and sit around our old kitchen table and thank them for all they did to mold my life and teach me how to stay centered and never look back.  Yes, if I died tomorrow, I would know I would be remembered as a good mom, mother-in-law and grandmother.  Also, hopefully a good daughter, sister, aunt and cousin!  AND I was a good wife......
Are you happy? If the answer is yes, then keep doing what your doing.  If the answer is no, ask yourself if you want to be happy.....if the answer is no then keep doing what your doing, BUT if it is yes then change the things your doing.  It is really a very simple formula.

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