Friday, March 8, 2013


"You educate a man.....You educate a man.  You educate a educate a generation."  (Kristianne Amanpour)
No one passes through life untouched!  My own journey is full of fear, pain, love, wonder, ecstasy, luck, daring and marvelous imperfections.  My family and friends have traveled along with me as I have shared my stumbling astonishment's, and discoveries as a woman.  I can't believe I have made it this far and still going strong.  For many years my passion was traveling.  I was determined to have been to 100 countries by the time I was 70.....and I made it.  I wanted to belong to the "100 Countries Country Club".....after four cruises and a week in Mexico last year this year I am just sittin' it out. Whenever I read travel books THIS YEAR, I am so grateful that other people are still going to far-flung places, climbing mountains, joining  expeditions, and then write about their experiences and I can just read about them. I do feel grateful because I can vicariously travel with them without leaving my recliner chair. 
I look forward to hearing all about my sister's trip to the Caribbean, she will be home tomorrow.  I have been there, done that.  My daughter and her husband are leaving for a two week cruise to Hawaii tomorrow....been there, done that.  My neighbor has been in Cancun three weeks, will be home in a week.....been there, done that.  A nephew's son is honey-mooning in Vienna and Budapest......been there, done that.  I will love hearing all about their trips.  I have been lucky and in my almost 81 years seen the world first hand, now I enjoy hearing about others travels on email, text or phone.
Sherrie was in town for a few hours....met her for had lunch and went shopping for her birthday coming up.

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