Tuesday, March 19, 2013


OH YES......This time last year I was starting to pack for a fun week in one of my very favorite places...MEXICO....for a week with fun people at an all paid resort on the beach. We had gone to Mexico to visit a small village with back-packs full of school supplies for Ken's Eagle Scout Project.  The Bains and Darren's mother Kay also were with us. This was a fun evening and you can see we were all livin' it up! On my bucket list to go back for another week in Mexico with the same fun people.
Tomorrow is the first day of Spring....yea!  Under partly cloudy skies Utah is yawning and stretching from it's long winter's sleep and awakening to spring.....and it has seemed like a very long winter to me. Tomorrow first day of Spring is always welcomed and can't get here too soon.....But, as usual another storm is forecast, hopefully just rain this time.  I do have some daffodils and tulips peeking out of the ground.  I am getting the urge to dig in the dirt and at least plant some of m pots.  Turned my income tax in today......what a relief and got my nails done and just made some great lettuce wraps.  Been at good day.

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