Tuesday, March 26, 2013

FUN GIRL......

This is miss Andrea who is 17  and......She gets my vote......I am so proud of the grandchildren when they jump into life with both feet and take advantage of learning and doing great things in their life.  My grandson Brayden, Andreas age, has his pilots license and was out flying with his instructor over the weekend....such a great age to learn.  This is for SBO at Brighton High school, she is kinda feed up with the past two years of cheer-leader and looking for something new.  Next week she is off to LA for Cheer competition.  Enjoying her spring break this week in St. George with friends.  She was elected to go to Girls State in Cedar City, Interview with Cottonwood Heights city council and YMAD (Youth Make A Difference) to go to India for charity work coming up.  She is a volunteer aid with a school class a couple of days a week and is very good to her grandmother.  She also has a summer job as a life guard at the Willow Creek Country Club.  Does she sleep......a little!
Some day these kids .....which also includes my two missionaries, Alex and Richie.......will come to know that what appears today to be a sacrifice will prove instead to be the greatest investment that they will ever make in life.(Gordon B. Hinckley)  Cloudy and cool today, but at least no snow! 

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