Thursday, March 21, 2013


A wonderful day at Sea World with five of the grandchildren.....Are you a good grandparent???  I know many people that ARE NOT!.  They turn their backs on the grandkids for many reasons, all selfish, but I am here to tell you I wouldn't change one single day I have had the opportunity to be a "gram" or "grammie"....for anything.  My mother was a wonderful grandma, tending, making clothes and teaching them to sing or paint.  I hope I am setting an example for my three girls to be good grandparents. As I ponder my memories of grandkids I remember the past twenty years with my nine grandchildren there are;........Trips to the Zoo, park, picnics, sleepovers, LOTS of birthday parties, Christmas parties at Grandma's house, swimming parties at grandma's pool, fun vacations to Disney Land, Sea World, Jackson Hole, Sun Valley, Lake Powell, Bear Lake, Cabin at Park City.
I sewed "fluffy dresses" for the girls and made Halloween costumes, dresses for their two aunts weddings.....and always brought home fun surprises to them from around the world when I traveled.
Then we moved into the school programs, church programs, blessing, baptisms, Halloween parades at school, grandparents day lunches.
Thrown in piano recitals (Rich), Violin recitals (Annie), Dance recitals (Nicci) swim meets, succor games, baseball games, football games, Lacross games and Scottie's basket ball games. Cheer Leading at games with Annie and Drill team with Nicci.
Then High School graduations for Tiff, Nicci, William, Alex and Richard Benj. College graduation for Tiff and Nicci and almost William......and Nicci graduation for her MBA.....
Eagle Scout work day for Alex and Ken's Eagle Scout to Mexico.  Brayden did his in Ghana and I didn't make it!!!! and I didn't help with Richies !But got in a couple of The Eagle  Scout award Ceremonies.  Missionary calls and Missionary Farewells.....
One wedding and one coming up.....and you ask what I have done in the past 20 years since I became a single gram?  I have done my share of baby sitting with all three families and loved it.  Being all that I can be in the grandparent department has been wonderful with always being invited to participate in the children's achievements.....My sister is a wonderful grandmother also,......but she doesn't tend dogs!....I DO.  You will never regret the time and energies you give those grand kids.
Went down to see the Mummies exhibit today with Shirley and a fun lunch a a snow storm.

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