Sunday, March 24, 2013


This is one proud bird.....and should be.  The perfect wings, long skinny neck, chest held high and long slender legs....when I look at this picture I want to stand up straighter and hold my head higher. Last night had Mike and Andrea for dinner and the Cooks. Andrea is such an inspiration to me, she is a survivor and works for BYU now.  I quote her; " Although I may never have an opportunity to do great things or to inspire the world in a grand way, I do believe that by small and simple things, great things are brought to pass....and hope that some day all of the little things I do will in the end add up to something great, that I can make a difference in the world...(even just my small corner of it)....for the better and in the lives of my children, grandchildren and friends.  I admire people with determination and grit who do the hard things, the right things, in the face of great adversity."  She went from a life of everything to a life of nothing because of her X and his Ponzi scheme which has landed him in prison for many years.  She is raising her four children to be good, honest, ambitious, caring people.  She has a new husband, job and life and has helped many with her story of YES, WOMEN CAN!  I am so proud of the many women I know who have had to pick up the pieces of their lives when their husbands leave them or die and make a good life for their families in the years they have left to live. 
Nice to have my Panniers home safe from their cruise.....

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