Monday, March 18, 2013


Happy St. Patricks.....on the right day!  For some reason I did my blog yesterday on St. Patrick's......but I didn't wear a green shirt.  Leslie put this on facebook this morning and it seemed so appropriate to me.....not Irish, never will be.....but I'll go along with it cause the kids enjoy it.  Like I say I would give the world to be Maxine's neighbor, she would keep life so interesting.  I can just imagine her with a house full of Leprechauns.  I do know there are real rainsbows but to find a pot of gold and a Leprechaun at the end of one is something I only contemplate.  I wrote a poem once and it ended;....THANK YOU GOD FOR FRIENDS....Now each in his own way reaches out to you, How could I imagine my friends were so few?  I know at the Rainbow's end, I won't find a pot of gold.....but you my friend.!  That I believe.  AND today is my oldest daughters real 34th anniversary!!!!  I texted them in Hawaii.

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