Sunday, March 10, 2013


Did you remember to set your clocks ahead?  I love the old Indians  idea of changing the clock twice a year.......Arizona doesn't bother with this and they do just fine. But, if you don't it leads to many head aches of being late for everything in life for a few months, then early for a few? All these crisis are avoided if you comply with the rules.
I survived some disastrous years first I was mad at God but through the years I have learned to thank God for the crisis, he had  fresh path for my in which I could grow and prosper.  With Gods help----not realizing it at the time----crisis and change act like fertilizer, like growth granules, that spur us to grow and blossom into the real person God knows we can become.  We all confront many changes in the seasons of our lives.  We can eventually emerge so much happier on the other side.
I never dreamed I could or would do all the wonderful things I have accomplished since my divorce 27 years ago. I have stood on the equator in Ecuador, lectured on cruise ships, watched a sun eclipse on a cruise ship in Koto Kina Bula, been to Cayambe Ecuador the city at the center of the earth, mailed myself a post card from the Galapagos Islands, another tourist picked it up and when they got back to the states mailed it back to me.....that is how mail use to travel! Rode an elephant in Chang-Rai Thailand and a camel in Egypt by the Spinx.Sailed down the Rhine River, the Danube River, the Nile River, the Amazon River and the Midi Canal in France and all the oceans.  Thank you God for showing me a new exciting life.

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