Thursday, March 14, 2013


If everyone believed these famous words, how much smoother their lives would run!  I can tell you of several "what goes around comes around" situations I see happening every day. Makes you stop and think???  This in one form or another pops up everyday in our lives, TV, magazines etc.  I love magazines and read 6-8 a month. But not all the stuff you see in magazines fits the ordinary life,  They say size 12 is big....I say don't judge everyone the same.  We must dress right or end up in a 'Don't do this' column.  We must constantly seek perfection in all we do.  The same information every month with different titles gets tiresome.  How to cook, what to eat, what to wear, how to behave and what to think!  Some information is supportive, revealing, but much is repetitive, negative and demanding.   I read magazines to feel connected to other woman, many my age, but after I finish a magazine l like to feel uplifted and good. Every woman is living a journey of her own life.
I like women's magazines best they tell stories of each other.  How we sit or walk close together, telling stories of our lives, love, discoveries, challenges, pains and dreams.  We talk about everything and nothing.  Had a long talk with my little sister this morning.  Leslie and her family went on a cruise to celebrate her 70th birthday. Seems all went well.Will coming over to help with my patio furniture and bring Bree back after her vet appointment. Suppose to be 72 degrees today.....yea!

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