Monday, March 4, 2013


Queen Elizabeth was released from the hospital today, her fifth visit in her 86 years. I needed to include this picture of the royal family, William and his new wife Kate who are expecting in July, for my posterity to enjoy someday.  The Queen is five years older than I am and seems to have been in my life always.  The big question.....who will be the next king.....Charles or William? Will I still be around?
The Queen has had her share of ups and downs and transitions into old age.  Three of her four children have gone through was huge when Charles cheated on Princess Di for his old girl friend Camilla.....who is a real dog.  But, looking back Charles did not deserve Princess Di.....mother of his two boys. It is just such a sad ending for her being killed in a car wreck.  The Queen's grandchildren have given her a few aha moments.....good and bad.  She never gives up and is every inch a lady.......LONG LIVE THE QUEEN.
I was always taught to respect my elders, but it keeps getting harder to find one! AND
The irony of life is that, by the time you're old enough to know your way around, your too old to go anywhere.

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