Sunday, March 3, 2013


This is Dick Yeomans and Hazel Goff when they were dating....young, tall, slender and gorgeous.....They are my creators , my molders of life and life views.  They always loved each other and set good examples. They  taught me to love God, to be honest and truthful and frugal. To be loyal to family and know the rest of my life can be the best of my life.  I never was mistreated or went hungry.  They never did anything to embarrass me or not be very, very proud of them. They told me they loved me, were proud of me and behind me in whatever I did, even though at times I bet they weren't sure of my decisions.  They let me make my own mistakes and learn and never said "I told you so."  My mother was fun, friendly, out going and could do fact when my brother was little and she had just made him a sling shot out of an old inter tube and a willow branch......told someone his mother and Jesus could do anything. She felt very honored to be put in the same category as Jesus. I second that thought. On the other hand my father was quiet and reserved and easy going.  I adored them and hope wherever they are they are hearing my thoughts or reading my blog, because I may not have told them thanks enough for my wonderful heritage and life.  THANKS YOU GUYS.

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