Tuesday, March 12, 2013


"I just say every day above ground is one good day".......
Growing up in Colorado then spending the rest of my life in Utah I only know four seasons...transitioning from  one season to another is just how life is to me. Cold winters that melt into spring.....rain, thunder, flowers and green grass miraculously appear in the Spring and flow right into the longer hot days of summer, then fade and disappear into Fall with its beautiful colors and cooler nights......then its winter again. That's how it has been for the last 80+ years. I also have been transitioning through these many seasons.  Not easy, but inescapable.....no one likes change, bu always remember God is your refuge, defender and source of strength.  Reduce the pressures on yourself by slowing your pace of life.  Get plenty of sleep, eat well and exercise.  Realize saying "yes" means saying "no" to something else.  You no longer can or have to do it all.  We need to lower our expectations of ourselves and others.  All this helps you move into your older self more easily.
Some things take preserving and through persevering we discover inner strengths, develop new skills, the rewards of this is a positive sense of accomplishment and success,  We find increased confidence to face what comes next.......more transitions!
Finally looking at a beautiful spring day, two more days and the big dog goes home......I may not let them have the baby dog back!

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