Wednesday, March 6, 2013


I fell in love with this front door and I can imagine it anywhere I choose to be that day....Italy, Spain France.  In my mind this door leads to the little place I have built to spend the rest of my life in. Yesterday I went to see my old travelin' friend in the rest home where I am afraid she will spend the rest of her life.  After 20 minutes of riding up and down the elevator, checking out lunch rooms, her original room, the room they said they moved her to, she was finally spotted in therapy......and I just depressed to see all those "old" sad people.
If we had known we were building "our own" house through the years, the one we end our lives in.....would we have done better?  We probably would have taken better care of our bodies, and saved more money for a better rest home ......with a room for God.
So it is with life, we build our lives, a day at a time, often putting less than our best into our building.  Then, with a shock, we realize we have to live in the house we have built the rest of our lives.  I guess if we could do it again we would do it much differently.  But, we cannot go back.  We are the carpenters and every day we pound another nail.  Someone once said, "Life is a do-it-yourself project." Our attitude and the choices we make today, help build the "house" we will live in tomorrow.  Therefore build wisely!
A great attitude becomes a great day......which becomes a great month......which becomes a great year.....which becomes a great life.  Beautiful warm day, maybe spring is just around the corner.

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