Friday, January 25, 2013


 When is winter going to let up?  I don't mean really go away, but this below zero, inversion and yesterday an ice storm yet.  My friends and cousin called yesterday and said don't go out if you don't have everywhere.  Today I did go let Karrie's dogs out and hit the dollar store and the roads are OK .  I love the thought of Wabi Sabi, the Japanese proverb of always finding something good in every situation.  We talked about this at bridge the first of the week, and most people feel if we could live that way, life would be easier. When I read the following I said, "yes".  "To all the people along the way who hurt me, lied to me, betrayed me and broke my heart.  You forced me to see the change I needed in my life and gave me the determination, motivation and a belief that I needed to change.  You gave me more than you could ever take from me so.....THANK YOU."  Take the good and move on.  When my X left and I got through the hurt and pain, and I sent him a THANK YOU note for leaving the girls and I so we could get on with the good in our life.......The past 27 years have been wonderful.  Try it such a good feeling of control in your lives.  The Christensons are leaving for the Bahamas tonight and I will tend the two boys for a Vernal.

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