Monday, January 21, 2013


WOW....WOW! One of the simplest of prayers, "WOW", often uttered with a sharp intake of breath, when we can't think of another word to describe something!  It can be when we see a sight of shocking beauty, or destruction, an unbidden  insight or unexpected happening. "WOW" means we are not dulled to wonder.  I think I said it most when I found out Obama had beaten Mitt Romney........Wow, what is America  thinking? Wow, what will our next four years look like, after the horrible mess he has made of these past four years.......Wow, he is a complete black dictator like they have in Europe and other countries.  You say wow when you are stunned to the place beyond word. We like to be in control and understand our situation.  When something keeps us from being able to chip something down to manageable size and then to file it nicely away, then we find WOW is our prayer. WOWS come in all shapes an sizes..... a quiet silent, I can't get through this long list of chores........and at the end of the day a loud, energetic WOW, I can't believe I got through my list today.....and a middle sized wow am I tired now.  Wow, has a reverberation-----wowowowow-----and this pulse can soften us, like the tingling electrical stimulation. I have a dozen WOWS a day......the first thing in the morning I say WOW, thank you God for another day.  I know in four years and we elect another president, one we like......, we will say Wow we survived eight years with OBAMA and this too will pass. I refused to watch one minute of his inauguration as he has stolen too many of my precious minutes in this life.  Just turned off the TV.  Cold, cold but did have an email from my Brazilian Missionary so I have a warm heart.

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