Sunday, January 27, 2013


Here are my two charges for the week eating a real DING DONG in the Bahamas.....I think?  We got up early to drive back to Vernal and miss the storm that is hitting Salt Lake.  Karrie just called and said it was snowing there, so the weather man was right for once.  The roads were good coming into Vernal but we hit a lot of fog banks.  Got clear home here safely and got stuck in the front yard!  No one had bothered to shovel or plow while they were gone.  Cute Brayden got right on it, till it snows again! It is a pretty sight to look out over the white fields, even the lake is white, with the poor cows and horses trying to keep warm.  winter, winter everywhere. Wonder if I can manage a whole week without any Retail Therapy????  Looks like a good week to hibernate.E

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